Allah's mercy

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At the time of Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam, a terrible famine occurred. People came to Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam asked him to pray for rain. Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam took thousand and thousands of people with him and asked Allah for rain. However, no rain came!

Allah informed Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam that the reason for no rain was the presence of person who was disobeying Allah's commands for 40 years and once he is out of the gathering, Allah will shower rain upon them.

Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam gathered everyone and asked the sinner, whoever he was, to leave.

The sinner could hear it all and he got worried because now if he left, he will be humiliated and if he does not leave then all of them will die of thirst. In this very moment, tears trickled down his face and he said in a low voice: "O Allah have mercy on me! Oh Allah hide my sins and forgive me".
Suddenly it started raining heavily and Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam was quite astonished! He said to Allah: "O Lord! Not a single person had gone out of this gathering. What is the reason for rainfall then?"Allah said: "O Musa! It is for that person now I descended the rain, for whom I stopped it.".
Hazrat Musa Alyhissalaam asked Allah: "O Allah! Do expose that person to me!" Reply from Allah came: "I did not humiliate him at the time he disobeyed me; why would I now humiliate him - when he had come under My Shelter?".

Ya Allah, you are the one who grants pardon for sins, loves forgiving, so forgive me.

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