Memories of a First Kiss

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Louis POV

March 18th, 2011

We had just finished yet another long day of boring meetings and interviews. I suppose I shouldn't say boring since I'm finally getting to start my dream career, but eight hours in a room full of dull old people wears you down. Of course these meetings were important ones like talking about recording our first album. I've only ever dreamt of being able to step inside of a recording studio much less actually do it. Pieces of the puzzle were already fitting together to get our career as a band started and we couldn't be more thrilled.

Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry and myself all made our way out of the tall office building we had been in all day and into the waiting van. I slumped against my seat feeling my eyes instantly shut with tiredness. It was only until I felt someone else brush up against me that my eyes fluttered open. I look over to see a grinning Harry sat next to me. His green eyes sparkled with excitement from the day. Out of all of us I believe he was the most excited. The never ending questions never bothered him and he went along happily with anything that was thrown at us.

"Wasn't that amazing!' He exclaims as all the other lads hop in and settle themselves into their seats.

"Only you could come out of an eight hour meeting and still be happy, Harold." I chuckled as he just seemed to bounce in his seat with giddiness. "Aren't you tired?" I asked simply. He shakes his head sending his curls in every direction.

"No I'm to excited!" he rasps in his amazing voice. I smile and pull him closer, resting his head on my shoulder and telling him to rest. He just chuckles and snuggles himself in closer to my body.

No one close to ever made a comment about how we acted towards each other anymore. It had become almost like second nature. We were always touching or looking at each other in some way. It was almost like a need for the both of us, especially me.

I had long come to terms that I had feelings for the younger boy in my arms. It honestly wasn't some big shocking thing to me. I didn't have a sudden revelation that I had some crush on him, I just knew. I had always been open to the fact that I would love whoever I wanted to. Boy or Girl never mattered to me just as long as I was happy, and looking down at him now I was happy. Well as happy as I could be without him knowing that I had feelings for him.


"I'm off to bed." Zayn said with nods of agreement from Niall and Liam as they all made their way to their rooms. I turned and grinned at Harry.

"So now what, Haz? Movie?" I said with a smile and walked into the living room kicking off my shoes and pulling off my coat. He followed quietly and picked out some horror film we both probably won't even watch. I settled myself down onto the couch and grabbed a big fluffy blanket.

After putting in the movie Harry made his way over and snuggled into the small space right next to me. I placed the blanket over him and leaned my body against his, him laying his head right against my chest. My hand instantly found its way into his hair and began playing with it as I looked up at the TV.

I was so lost in the movie and twisting a curly lock of Harry's hair that I hadn't even noticed him looking up at me until he whispered my name faintly.

"Hmm?" I responded still distracted.

"Do you think this is weird?" He questioned and quickly grabbed my attention. I looked down at him, my eyebrows creasing into a curious frown.

"Do I think what's weird, Haz?"

He motioned between us and looked slightly away. "Us.. The way we act with each other.. Do you think it's weird?"

I look at him curiously, wondering why all of the sudden he's questioning the nature of our friendship. We had always been like this, even from the first day. It was just an automatic thing that I never thought twice about. Even before I figured out my true feelings for Harry, he was my best friend and we just had and easy going relationship. People had always gave us curious glances in the beginning but we just thought it was funny.

"No of course not, why would I?" Sitting up slightly he looks at me biting his lip. That damn cute bottom lip I'd like to kiss with passion.

"Well it's just... I don't know isn't it weird that we always cuddle or touch each other in some way?" He looks down at the blanket covering us and pretends to pick a piece of lint off.

"It isn't for me... We've always been like this Harry why are you asking this now?"

"Hearing what things?"

"Just stupid stuff about.." He shakes his head and looks back at the TV. "Just forget it." He pulls himself away from me and sits himself on the opposite side of the couch. My heart aches for a moment that he doesn't want to sit next to me and I frown.

"Harry.. Tell me."

"No Lou just forget it I said." He glares at me and my face turns into an expression of hurt which he catches quickly. "Shit.. I-I'm sorry Lou it's just.." He pauses and runs his hands over his face before looking back at me. "I read some things online about people thinking we were a couple.. I mean I know we've seen some of that before but this time they were calling us names and I don't know it was just a little upsetting."

I can't help but smile at how adorable he is when he's flustered. He has a slight blush on his cheeks from talking about us as a couple. My heart longs for that but he is my best friend first before anything else, and I would never compromise our friendship like that.

"Why does it bother you so much exactly?" I question.

"It doesn't!" He responds quickly and widens his eyes. "I mean... I just.. We aren't.. I.." He stutters causing me to laugh and pull him back against me as I wrap my arms securely around him.

"I know that Harry.. We know that." I smile running my hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks. I have you and our friendship and that's all that matters to me okay? Nothing anyone says will ever change that." I squeeze him lightly with a hug as he nods against my chest.

He grows quiet for some time and I would almost think he's fallen asleep except for his hand tracing circles on my stomach. It usually means he's over thinking things but I give him his time and let him come to what ever conclusion will settle him.

After about fifteen minutes he sits up warily and looks at me. I notice our closeness and am immediately a little nervous but push it away and smile at him. I reach my hand up and push some of his hair back a little and as I bring my hand back to my lap he stops me and grabs it. His eyes never leave mine as the smile slowly disappears from my face. I look at him curiously and watch as he stares back into my eyes with so many conflicting emotions floating through them.

"It wasn't what they said that really bothered me Lou.." He finally says as he laces his fingers through my own in the hand he's holding. Something about it feels more intimate but that's probably me wishing for more than what there is.

"Oh?" I ask and he nods.

"It was what I felt when I read it and what I wanted to do." He states.

I can't help but tilt my head to the side in confusion as he smiles softly and scoots closer to me.

"Nothing will change our friendship right? You mean that?" He asks. I nod trying to swallow past the lump in my throat at he continues to lean forward, bringing himself closer and closer to me. "Then let me try something?" He says so casually. I barely have time to nod before his lips are softly pressed to mine and my eyes flutter shut.

He was kissing me. Harry was kissing me, my best friend. The boy I fell in love with months ago and have only ever dreamt of this moment was kissing me.

And it was the best moment of my life.

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