The Wedding Part 2

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Harry POV

"I don't... I don't think they should be married."

The words tumbled out of my lips faster than I had even thought of them. The collective gasps around me could be heard but I ignored everyone as I marched down the aisle towards Louis. I could see the other boys fighting back their smiles and looks of glee and that only fueled my passion even more.

After Louis left this morning I had laid there against the wall for hours. I cried, sobbed, banged my head against the wall, anything you could think of. The air in my lungs was restricted and it felt like I would combust at any moment, but even through all of that I couldn't get his last words to me out of my head.

"It was nothing more than an act of to much to drink....."

His words had replayed over and over in my head while I sunk in the fact that he hadn't drank. When I arrived at the club he was just sitting there, no drink in hand and was completely in control of himself. His lips or tongue never tasted of alcohol even though I know that mine did. He had been sober which means he had slept with me willingly.

It was almost as if that weighed heavily in my heart and mind but I wasn't quite grasping what he was saying. It wasn't a drunken mistake, or a misleading on my part. He was in control of himself and could have stopped us at any moment, but he hadn't. He didn't stop me when I first kissed him and he never stopped himself as he placed himself inside of me.

Sitting against my wall it hit me like a freight train, maybe even harder. If he hadn't drank anything he knew what he was doing, he knew the weight it would have on me. He wanted it, he never pushed me away, he needed it as much as I did. He needed me.

I could see it in his damn eyes the entire time we were together. There was never a moment of doubt or insecurity, it was all pure passion and love. Everything was the way it was suppose to until we woke up this morning. I laid there for hours in my self loathing and doubt until I realized just what exactly had happened. A new found courage and wave of expectancy rushed through me and I realized I was so damn tired of being alone. I was tired of just letting everything fall through the cracks. I don't want to be the person everyone just expects to go along with what they said.

Louis was mine and he was going to remain that way. If last night was any indication on how the rest of our lives would be then the smile on my face would last a lifetime.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" He chokes out in shock, His eyes are looking at everyone around us but mine can only settle on him.

"I came here to stop you from making a huge mistake." I spoke bluntly and bravely.

"Harry.. Don't do this..." He begs, looking into my eyes and I shake my head.

"No Louis.. I won't let you do this.. I've sat by to long and let you call the shots on how everything would be and I'm done.. I'm so fucking done." I say to him and next to us I hear a pissed off Eleanor huff.

"Can't you talk to him later, Harry? We're sort of in the middle of something." She speaks sarcastically and I roll my eyes and ignore her.

"What are you talking about..?" Louis questions me, ignoring his fiancé as well. I sigh softly before beginning to say what I've wanted to for so long but have been so desperately terrified to.

"I let you walk away the first time.. No I didn't know what was happening behind closed doors but I didn't fight for you.. It hurt you and I can see that now.. It didn't only hurt you that you had to leave me but I let you do it.. I didn't argue or fight or even slap you across the damn face and tell you what a big mistake you were making.. And I.. I regret that so much..

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