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Harry POV

The room wasn't silent any longer but was still thick with tension. Everyone was doing their best to ignore it as much as possible and that meant ignoring me.

I sat in the corner watching the few people in the room around me as I picked at a napkin in my hand. The laughter all around and little conversations were almost making me sick. With everything I had I wanted to run from the room and never look back on any of them but I wouldn't do that. I just sit and listen to the distant conversations of Louis' treatment and how everything was going.

I had to admit I was awfully proud of him and everything he's accomplished. He may not be speaking directly to me in sharing his stories but I was still proud none the less. The thing that bothered me though is how Louis almost seemed to just forget about everything that brought him to this point. The reason he went to treatment in the first place was no where near the point of conversation. Maybe it's something he doesn't need to talk about but it's a big part of his life.

It seems as though that the day he went into treatment and even the few days prior weren't the only thing he'd forgotten. There was no memories spoken of the past and if one was mentioned he steered the conversation in a different direction.

My heart longed and ached to be sitting next to him, holding his hand and smiling at his long speeches of everything he did while he was away. I wanted to be there laughing with my best friends and sharing with Louis how much we had missed him. I don't think they were purposefully leaving me out but the other boys just knew I wouldn't want to be a part of it all. Especially not while someone else was perched on Louis' lap.

She was like a leech who hadn't left his side all evening long. Every move he made she made with him. They finished each other sentences, got each other things to eat and all the other bullshit that goes a long with it. I fight the anger so hard that it feels like its bursting out of my chest. I keep quiet with my eyes cast down because I know that's what I need to do. I need to give up almost, but never completely.

"He's happy you know." I hear a female voice say from beside me. The napkin in my hand becomes increasingly more interesting apparently since the leech removed herself from Louis' lap.

I don't say anything back because quite frankly I don't feel like I owe her anything. Me still being here is the only respect anyone will probably see tonight. I may have realized that I've been defeated in this battle but that doesn't mean I can't still be angry.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I question her.

"Don't screw up his happiness just because you didn't get what you want." She says shortly.

"Oh and what is it that you think I want?" I sit up straighter with my question directed to her. She rolls her eyes and adds in an almost un-lady like snort.

"None of us our stupid Harry.. You obviously thought he'd be coming home and running right back to you." She turns to face me fully. "And you're not bothering to hide your feelings on the situation ever since I walked in here with him."

"Well how the fuck do you expect me to feel? Trust me when I say you weren't apart of the equation when he left for treatment." I say getting annoyed quickly.

"That no longer matters.. I'm apart of it all now and it's not going to change, don't be selfish." My eyes widen at her words and it takes every bit of strength I have not to stand straight up and yell right in her face. Instead I slowly make my way to my feet looking down at her small figure.

"Selfish? Me really? How in the hell am I the selfish one in all of this!" I say to her.

"None of this would have happened if it weren't for you!" She whispers harshly to me. I hold back the whimper that threatens to escape and step back almost as if I've been slapped. My eyes dart around the room to make sure no one else has noticed us talking and they haven't. My gaze lands back on her as she smiles her sweet little sickening smile towards me.

"I didn't do this.. Louis.. H-He chose to do what he did-"

"Yeah because of you!" She cuts me of. "Everything was perfectly fine until you got in his damn head." She shakes her head and steps a tad closer to me and lowers his voice even more. "Louis and I are the ones who are suppose to be together.. Not you, not ever, so get use to it." She says harshly and I can't help but chuckle my head. I lean in closer to her to make sure only she can hear me before speaking what I've been wanting to say for a while.

"Just remember Eleanor, you were only hired for his affection while I received it on his own accord and not for some fucked up paycheck." I said with a smirk. I could see her start to shake and almost back down a little until her own smirk surfaces onto her lips.

"Then why am I the one he's going to marry?" She whispers back to me.

The entire room freezes in that instant as I stammer back away from her. My mouth open gaping wide as I shake my head at her words.


There's no way that's what she could mean. Marriage was between two people who loved each other and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. He didn't want that with her did he?

My body grew empty and hollow as I thought more over her words. The room had gone eerily silent as all heads and eyes turned to look at my frozen in shock state. They called my name but I couldn't take my eyes off of her and my mind couldn't accept her words. My heart felt like it was racing a million miles a minute but I couldn't let myself believe her lies.

I turned my gaze to look at the rest of the people still in this room. My eyes flitting over Liam, Niall, Zayn and lastly Louis. All of them with looks of concern and worry but I couldn't make myself move or talk.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Louis voices his concern out loud. My chest rises and falls quickly with uneven breaths as I look at him. I beg him in my mind to not confirm to be true with the next words that tumble from my lips.

"M-Married... You're getting... Married?" I say out brokenly. I see all the other boys eyes widen in shock and mouths fall open as they turn to Louis with the question on their minds as well.

None of that worried me or bothered me more than seeing all the uneasiness fall away from Louis' face. Like what I had said was far less terrifying than what he had originally thought. A smile makes hits way onto his face as he turns to look at Eleanor with only a slightly disapproving look.

"You told him?" He asks her softly as she scurries over to his side and wraps her arm around his waist.

"Sorry love, I let it slip on accident." She smiles endearingly at him and he just smiles back and leaves a sweet peck to her lips.

Any piece of my heart that had been taped back together had just shattered right in that moment. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that could heal the damage from hearing the confirmation of those words.

Louis and Eleanor were getting married.

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