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Harry POV

I have never felt more terrified in my life than I am in this moment. I've been through and done things that have caused me fear and anxiety but none compare to this. Even in the moments waiting to hear my name being called and the fear of rejection at The X Factor, it still didn't add up to this. Every week waiting for our names to be called to get through to the next round, still wasn't like this. Nothing was because this moment was the single most important moment of my life. I couldn't speed it up or slow it down. I know what I want the outcome to be but my gut is fearing the worst.

My mind races with visions of what I might see when we get there and that alone scares me far worse. My heart is pounding inside my chest and causing me to shake heavily. I stare out the window of the car with the most empty expression because that's how I feel, empty.

It's almost as if there's nothing inside me. Like I'm just a hallow shell with no feeling of anything. I don't know how I became so dependent on a single person. How my every move, every breath was for them. I always thought I was a strong person who took care of myself, but now? Now I see that I was only living for someone else. That was my only purpose in life, he was my only purpose in life.

We raced by car after car, police sirens all around us. I could see an ambulance ahead of us making my stomach lurch forward. I felt sick, worried and most of all I felt responsible.

What else would posses him to do something like this other than me? He claims he's doing it because he loves me but how could anyone want to end their life because they love someone? If you love someone you stay with them, be with them and live with them for as long as you can. You don't take yourself out of the equation and expect to make everything better. The anger that rises up inside me suddenly is astonishing but in this moment it's the only other emotion I'm feeling besides terror. Absolute and complete anger. How could he be so selfish? Does he not understand how much I love him? How much I live, breathe, eat and dream for him? Was that really never enough? Am I still not enough?

The sudden sound of tires screeching and my seat belt clinging to my chest has me coming out of my angered thoughts. I look up seeing the hotel and my mouth suddenly goes dry. I look around seeing dozens of police cars, ambulances and team members pulling into the parking lot. My gaze shifts all around and I spot something in the far left of the parking lot.

"Paul that's his car!" I shout suddenly feeling all life make its way back into my body. I spring back into action, throwing off my seat belt and bolting out of the car. I speedily make my way towards the entrance only to have my arm grabbed from someone behind me.

"Stay out of the way Harry and let us deal with this." He spits.

"Let you deal with it? Oh what, you mean like how you dealt with it last time and caused this hell hole!" I scream in his face and he backs away.

"We have no idea what he's done and if it's for the worse you don't need to see it." He continues calmly.

"Listen, I don't care what I walk in on, all I care is that I do." I speak clearly as Paul comes to stand beside me and I see officers making their way inside. "You've already kept us apart for to long and I'm not about to let you fucking do it again." I say with finality and turn around rushing inside.

Paul keeps in step beside me and I know he agrees with me. We run up to the front desk where a policeman is already questioning the receptionist. My breathing is labored as we stop and I stare at her and she looks back with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sorry sir but that's confidential.." She say nervously to the policeman. I grit my teeth together and bite my tongue from screaming at her.

"I understand but this is an investigation, miss." He speaks calmly.

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