Skinny love

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Harry POV

July 15th, 2013

I collapsed back onto the floor with a sudden scream as the screen blacked out. My mind frantically screaming for him to come back and my mouth shouting the words all around me. No one could move or speak as they watched the scene of my body crumble before them. The air that was in my chest was constricted by a never ending pain that shot its way through out my body.

I was shutting down, my mind collapsing with the rest of me. Sobs broke free from my mouth as I screamed his name over and over again. I was desperate for his touch as the sobs wrecked through me sounding like a broken record. I kept hoping that screaming his name would bring him back to me. If not physically than at least to open up the laptop again and tell me he's okay. Show me that he's still here and that I can still fight for him.

Without him I am literally nothing. My life stops as soon as his does and that's how I've always felt. These past two years may have been rough and heartbreaking but I kept going because he was here. I couldn't tear myself away from him because I'm to selfish. I need to see him everyday to physically breathe, I need to be in his presence to give me the strength to make it through each day.

The thing Louis forgot to think about and what he seemed to oversee is how hard this was for me. I've lived in utter hell the past two years. Everyday was a struggle for me to get out of bed and to force myself to breathe. Everyday I wanted so badly just to end it all, to throw it all away. I didn't care about hurting my family, my friends or our fans. I didn't care that multiple people depended on me. I only cared that the one I needed was no longer available to me. But I never could do it because I knew that even in death, life without Louis would be just as painful.

Breathing was impossible right now and even my sight was blurry with tears. I could feel people around me, shaking me, trying to get me to snap out of it. All I could do was keep calling for him, screaming for him to come back. To come back to me.

"Harry." Someone whispered into my ear still shaking me slightly. "Listen to me.. You have to calm down.. We need you to help us find him, Harry.. Breathe.." They repeated this mantra over and over but I couldn't finish my sobs and clear my head. Louis face just kept running through my mind; his sad and longing look. The frown lines creased into his forehead that I just wanted to walk up to and kiss away. Pepper kisses all over his face and take each worry away with them. Just show him that it's okay and I'm here like I always have been.

"Harry.. Please listen to me.. We can find him and bring him back but we need your help.." They continued to whisper in my hear but I only rocked my body back and forth to comfort myself. "You said you knew the room he was in, Harry.. What room was it? Where have you seen it before?"

Their questions shout into my mind but they only hit a barricade. I know that I know that room, I've been there before. It all looks so familiar, and holds something special. The person talking to me kept repeating the questions and I forced my eyes shut. Tears dripping down my face and sobs still coming out.

"Harry.. We need to find him before we loose him forever.. Before you loose him forever."


I couldn't loose him forever, not again. That was it; the statement I needed to hear to jump start my brain quicker than a car. My mind over flooded with thoughts of Louis and our time spent together. Memories that I suppressed for so long wanting to forget because it hurt to much to remember. They all came flooding back to me in an instant. Stolen kisses and squeezing hands briefly under tables. Jealous glances when someone got to close and hugs that lasted longer than they should have. It was all still there. Every memory coursing its way through my mind and bringing me back to one specific memory.

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