"I do" Epilogue

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Harry POV

My heart was hammering on the inside of my chest. The movement so rapid and loud that my ears were pounding. I stand, staring into the floor length mirror, my black tux fitting perfectly around my body and my brilliant red tie standing out brilliantly against it all. A soft white rose is pinned neatly against the lapel of my tuxedo jacket. Louis had done a perfect job of picking it out for me, not like I expected any less from him.

I couldn't wrap my mind around what was about to take place. In just a few simple minutes my life was about to change. Louis had already become the center of my entire universe, but I knew that all along this was what I truly wanted; to be married to the love of my life. To have that ever lasting tie with him. The strings of my heart reaching out to his and looping themselves together for the rest of eternity.

No I didn't need a simple piece of paper that could be washed away at any moment to declare my love and utter faithfulness to Louis. It was more than a documentation or declaration to the world. It was more than just a simple few words said in a ceremony. To me, it was everything I had ever wanted. To be completely devoted to Louis in every way humanly possible. To be able to look on his hand and see a symbol of our love there to stay forever and receive my gazes of love and adoration. To me, it was the very core of my being and what would continue to hold it together.

I knew that with this there would be a lot more trials to face. I knew that people would ridicule us even more or try to shame us but it didn't matter, it never has. I couldn't bring myself to care what the rest of the world thinks because in my world, only Louis and those who loved and accepted us existed. A world that doesn't accept Louis or our love isn't a world I want to be a part of anyways.

With all of the things I feel and my excitement that's building up inside, I can't understand why I haven't brought myself to move away from the mirror and carry myself to the gardens. I know he's standing there waiting on me with a beautiful smile on his face, but my feet wont move. They're tied to the ground like steel cables, forcing me to not move an inch. My heart still beats so fast in my chest I'm almost sure that the only way I'll be moving anytime soon is by the force of a paramedic.

"Harry?" The soft voice of my mother calls from the doorway. My eyes find hers and the only thing I can search out in the them is sheer happiness. My mum's love for Louis and her acceptance of us as a couple has never been a secret, nor has she ever shied away from the fact that she wanted us together. She knew the happiness it brought me and in turn brought her. "Why are you still standing in here, love?" She asks me curiously.

"You know, I remember the day you brought Louis home to meet your family," She moves to stand in front of me, fixing my tie to be perfectly pin straight. "Of course we had all met him before but this was different. This was you bringing home your boyfriend and I remember how nervous you were. Your eyes were constantly looking around to make sure everyone was happy and accepting of Louis, but most importantly you stayed right by his side, never once letting him feel uncomfortable or alone." She smiled softly, looking directly into my eyes. "I could tell right then that this was your forever, he would be your forever, and I can't begin to explain the happiness I felt in my heart."

"Where are you going with this, Mum?" I ask her teasingly and she only smiles bigger.

"My point is, that you love him Harry, you always have. You've been through so much that I wish I could take away the pain that both of you have had to live through but I can't. The only thing I can do is tell you to hold on to him tight Harry, cherish the love you have with him everyday of your lives together and never let go. This is Louis, the love of your life, the only reason you choose to still exist today, and as long as you remember that, you'll never live a day of unhappiness."

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