The Morning After

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Harry POV

I used to think that happiness was just an illusion. Something that people made up for story telling or to sell a good book. I never thought it was something that could maybe exist for me, but that's only because I seemed to always get the opposite. While at one point in my life I thought I was truly happy, it all eventually just stopped. Happiness I thought I knew just vanished like smoke blown away. There was no simple trace of it left, and with it, it also took every part of me that seemed alive.

I hadn't felt a glimpse of happiness in so long that I truly thought that was how I would live out the rest of my life. Until now.


The sun shining through the curtains of my bedroom window was bright enough to make me stir. All of my senses suddenly seemed heightened in the early morning. Every damn chirp of a bird or a soft snoring noise beside me was only intensified even more. A slight pain in my head and ebbing behind my eye lids was begging me to keep them shut.

As my body slowly begins to wake up, giving me back all sense of feeling the only thing I can feel wrapped around me is warmth. A soft small body with its arms wrapped securely around my middle, head laid against my chest and breath fanning over my stomach. The light layer of hair that covers the top of my chest, near my collar bone tickles each time I take a breath and move my body. Long, sweet and slender legs are twined with my own completing my sense of warmth and security.

In reality my body is bigger, more masculine but yet I am the one feeling safe and protected at the moment. A feeling I intend to treasure and keep sacred.

A slight stirring against my body causes my eyes to crack open just the slightest. I instantly regret it as the light seems to choose that moment to flood into the room even more causing me to groan lightly. With my eye lids flickering a few times, adjusting to the sudden harshness, the image I see when opening them fully takes my breath away.

My mind clearly plays back every event that happened last night. From the ride to the club, to each drink and ending with each passionate kiss and bodies tangled together. The moment was to powerful to be some drunken and forgotten mistake. It amplified itself even more into my brain when I open my eyes and see the boy I'm hopelessly lost for in my arms.

Waking up next to Louis had always been a favorite when it came to our earlier relationship. Back then I was much smaller and Louis was bigger than me. Somehow over the years he seemed to have stopped his growing while mine seemingly kept going. The smile on my lips plays with the memories on my heart as I think about how things have flipped completely. It use to be me waking up in his arms and wrapped around his slightly larger frame. His protective arms draped casually over me as I slept but I knew those arms would never let any danger come to me.

In the same way now, even with roles turned, my arms are protectively supporting him. That's the thing about my love and adoration for him. He could do everything to come against me, hurt me and even devastate me but my arms would always be open and willing to protect him. I'd stand as a shield in front of him, die a thousand deaths and receive every bit of pain know possible if it meant no harm would come against him.

Waking up now even despite the headache and few slight aches in my body, I feel at peace. It feels like a stirring somewhere deep inside me that maybe just maybe things will happen the way I've wanted them to for a long time now. That maybe now the two people that were more meant for each other than anyone else in the universe would finally have their chance. This was finally it, our time.

I hear a gruff mumbled voice speak out to quietly for me to hear against my chest. My eyes close themselves once again as my hand finds purchase in the soft hair tickling my chest. I card my fingers through it, gently letting each strand fall through each space of my fingers. I feel his body start to move a bit around me and his head lifts up just in time for my eyes to open and meet his.

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