Endless Bliss

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Harry POV

October 23rd, 2011

Lazy Sundays are my favorite. Nothing to worry about and absolutely nothing to do. Ever since I was a little kid I lived for Sunday's.

My family and I always had a tradition that no matter what we were doing we would always meet in the living room for tea and a movie. It was our favorite thing to do and as time went on and I got older, it was sometimes the only time you could get us all together.

But that changed when I became a part of the band. I haven't been able to be at home with my mum or sister and sometimes that's a bit hard. But the great thing about it was I gained four amazing best friends to take the place when I needed it.

It was comical when they first noticed my down and depressed mood on the first few Sunday's I wasn't with my family. I never wanted to say anything because I thought they would make fun of me and think it was stupid. But I remember one day while I was sitting alone watching a film, Niall came in and sat next to me. He kept asking me what was wrong and one thing I've learned about Niall is that when he wants to know something he will damn well get it out of you.

I spilled my guts that day and almost ended up crying because of it. I felt so relieved when the other boys came in, having heard our conversation and we all expressed to each other how hard it was to be away from our families. Especially Niall who was the farthest away from his.

I think we bonded closer together that day when the lads picked out a flick, squished onto the couch with me and we all watched it together. Nothing would ever replace a lazy Sunday with my family but the lads sure made up for it.

Today was suppose to be no different than any other Sunday when we all got together but all of the lads canceled except Louis. They all had plans or were to lazy to do anything.

But Louis never failed me as he made us both some tea and put in my favorite film. I smiled and grabbed a blanket from the closet and met him on the couch. I could never be upset about some alone time with my favorite person in the world.

I sat on the couch and leaned against Lou as he pulled me into his arms. A smile permanent on my lips ever since the day I finally told or rather showed him how I felt.


March 18th, 2011 (Their first kiss)

I did it, I just kissed him. Shit he's going to hit me.

I froze as soon as I pulled my lips away from his holding back the whimper that wanted to escape. I couldn't bare to look in his eyes, afraid of what I might see. Rejection? Disgust? What if he never wants to talk to me again? I couldn't handle that. He's my best friend and I can't believe I just risked everything just because I couldn't keep my damn feelings in check.

"D-Did you just...?" I hear him whisper breathlessly. Nodding my head slightly I keep my eyes closed, still unable to look at him.

"You kissed me." He stated and I sigh.

"I-I'm sorry Lou... I didn't me-" I stop mid sentence knowing I can't say those words because I did mean it. Every second of it.

"Why?" He asked curiously and so cutely. I cracked one eye open to see him staring at me with shock and confusion but no hate or disgust. I let out a rush of air from my lungs as I fully open my eyes to look at him.

"I.. Well I..." I stammer out.

"You what? Did you mean to do that or did you have me confused with someone else?" He asks me with wide eyes and I can't help but chuckle at how adorable he is.

He never stops becoming even more adorable to me everyday. I've always thought he was attractive, since that first moment we met. I never thought I liked him in that way because I've always dated girls but I've never really given much thought to dating a guy. Once I thought about it and realized it didn't gross me out I started seeing Louis in a different light. Everything he did was cute or adorable. Every time he laughed my heart skipped at least two beats and my stomach hasn't ever gotten rid of the butterflies in it. Everyday I found something new to fall in love with and it wasn't something I felt like I would ever stop doing.

"Yes...?" I say in response to his question. I look down to the floor not wanting to see his reaction. I hear him take a sharp breath and then sit in silence for a full two minutes. My brain is trying to come up with every single conclusion this night can end in but it didn't prepare me for what Louis did next.

I felt his hand underneath my chin as he lifted my face to look at his. I barely had time to register my thoughts before his lips were pressed to mine for the second time tonight.


"What are you thinking about, Haz?" I hear Louis say as I clear my mind from my thoughts.

"I've been calling your name for like a minute! I thought you were mad at me!" He pouts and sticks his bottom lip out. I chuckle and turn in his arms, hallway pushing myself on top of him.

"Why would I want to ignore you?" I smile at him as he scoots down resting his back onto the couch. He smiles at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"I was actually just remembering our first kiss." A soft blush forms on his cheeks that makes me grin.

Every time we talk about that night he always blushes and it's my favorite thing in the world.

"Not again... It's so embarrassing!" He says with a groan and causing me to chuckle and lean down pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"You squealing like a little girl in delight is not embarrassing, its adorable actually." I smile and rest my for head against his. I can feel his breath fan my face as he lets out a hearty laugh.

"You will never let me forget will you?"

I shake my head and look into his eyes seeing all the love in the world stare back at me.

"You know what I don't want to forget?" He says after a few minutes.


"I never want to forget the feeling I had when you kissed me..." He smiles up at me and wraps his arms around my neck. "So how about a little reminder?" He smirks and I return it.

"That depends." I say and watch his eyebrow knit together in confusion and a frown etch onto his beautiful face.

"On what?"

"Do you still love me as much as you did then?" I ask with complete seriousness. His frown is replaced by a giant smile as his blue eyes lock with my green ones.

"I love you more than I did then, Haz."

And with that my lips attach to his, showing him exactly how much I love him and will never stop.

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