Woven Memories

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Harry POV

July 15th, 2013

I never thought hearing just a few simple words would not only destroy my heart but heal it all in the same. They always say actions speak louder than words and to a point I suppose that's true; but to me, words meant everything. Words destroyed me, and words built me up. I've never had anyone physically do anything to me as an action that would hurt me but words have definitely been my undoing.

Just like now. Hearing him say my name and the word love in the same sentence is something that I have been so desperate to hear. Yet at the same time I want to close myself off and never hear them uttered ever again. Love destroys people, it tears them down making them feel weak and vulnerable. That's what it did to me, what it still does.

"This is ridiculous!" I hear someone from behind me say. "Someone needs to find him before he throws his entire career out the door!" Upon hearing those words I feel myself and everyone beside me tense up.

"His career? Is that really the only thing you can think about right now?" Zayn speaks up from beside me. "He is obviously hurt and very upset about something and all you can think about is his career? Who the hell gives a shit about our career right now! Our best friend is God knows where telling the world everything for some reason and I highly doubt it has anything to do with his career!" He shouts at him.

The happiness I was feeling momentarily seems to fade quickly. He's right, something's wrong but I don't know what it is. I'm not sure anyone does.

"How about instead of standing here worrying about your next damn dollar you make yourself and do your actual job and fucking find him?!" Zayn continues on. I place my hand on Zayn's arm hoping to calm him and he looks to me. Something he see's on my face instantly calms him and he looks at me with remorse. He mumbles a quick apology before our eyes are glued back onto the screen.

"I guess once I accepted it, it was quite obvious that I always fancied Harry.. I mean what wasn't there to like right?" He lets out a soft chuckle as he beams at the camera. "He always made me laugh and seemed to always know when I was down or upset just how to lift my spirits again.. It was difficult to ever be sad or anything but happy around him.. He just brings out that bubbly giddiness in people and you never stop smiling.

"I did keep it a secret though.. I was afraid if I told anyone or even Harry that they would just laugh in my face or be disgusted by me. I'm not sure why since the lads are the most accepting people I know but it frightened me." He bites his lip pausing for a moment. "But then one evening while Harry and I were watching a movie the bloke just kissed me!" He laughs. "I was shocked and couldn't believe what was happening. I thought and dreamed so many times of how our first kiss would go and let me tell you it was nothing like how it went... The real thing was a million times better." A soft blush forms on his cheeks as I sit forward, inching closer to the screen.

"Some people might find it weird that I was kissing a guy and my best friend at that but... I swear to this day the moment our lips touched it was like the world shifted.. Everything that was out of sort or lost its place suddenly collided back to its rightful spot. There was nothing that I had ever felt that could compare to the magnitude of love and passion and warmth that I had at that moment. It was truly a moment that will forever be branded into my memory.. And definitely one of my favorite memories with Harry."

"I can't believe he is telling everyone this... The views are over half a million now!" Liam interrupts, his eyes locking with mine. "Harry you need to do something..." He looks at me with a serious look on his face, almost like he knows something's going to happen. "This could end up badly Harry.. People.. You could get hurt." He says, causing me to stare at him dumfounded.

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