New Light

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Harry POV

July 15th 2013

My eyes were wide and my hands were shaking. I could hear everyone gasp around me but I couldn't pay attention to them. All I could see, all I could even think about was the boy sitting behind his laptop in front of me. He was just staring lifelessly into the camera, right at me. Its like he knows I'm watching. My eyes never leave his and never falter. I just stare and never look away.

I hear the shouting behind me, people talking trying to figure out what he's saying. Trying to understand what is happening right now and to find him. They keep yelling and I think I even hear my name but nothing registers. I see his mouth open like he wants to talk and I'm afraid I'll miss it.

SHUT UP! I scream finally coming back from the numbing state my body was in. I feel myself breathing heavier than my body naturally should. I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks like a waves rolling to a coast. I feel my heart beating so fast I almost think it's going to give out at any minute.

The commotions and yelling stops. Everyone faces me, I can tell but I won't lift my eyes away from Louis. Nothing else matters to me anymore except what he is going to say, and I'll be damned if I miss a single fucking word out of his mouth.

I guess now that I'm at this point I don't really know where to start. He says finally breaking eye contact with the camera. So I guess I'll just start from the beginning of this crazy journey, yeah? He says and leans against a headboard. It's the first time I've made myself look at anything but him. I look at the very little surrounding area and can tell he's not at home.

When I first met the boys all together after being put into the band it was a bit awkward. None of us knew each other and all the sudden we had to figure out a way to work together. I was a bit afraid that some of the boys would be disappointed they were put into a band instead of carrying on as solo acts... But I know I wasn't... I was thrilled! He smiles slightly. I knew I wasn't always the strongest solo singer but I was willing to work on it... When Simon put us into the band I couldn't have been more happy. My mind instantly flew to the fact that I was gaining not only a massive opportunity but four new friends!

I watched as he shifted onto the bed slightly and rested his head in his palm against his knee. He still looked so fragile but somehow looked a little happier when talking about the band. I felt someone sit down beside me and shifted my gaze a little to see Niall. My eyes lifted to my other side to see Liam and Zayn sat right beside me staring at Louis as well.

That was when I started realizing I would become very close to these boys.. No matter what happened in the X Factor I knew these boys were in my life for good.. Especially one of them. He bites his lip and looks back up at the camera.

Harry.. He says my name and I tense up automatically. He and I just... Clicked? I'm not sure if that's the right word for it but we just gravitated towards each other. It was almost magnetic for me, like something just pulled me to him. I didn't know what or why but I couldn't help it. I instantly wanted to be around his smile and laughter. He was such a funny guy! He smiled at his memories.

We sat by each other that evening and while all of us were talking it was almost like Harry and I already had inside jokes. Like we had known each other all our lives and we instantly knew the others secrets. It was just instant friendship... We were instant brothers.

I could hear murmuring come up behind me again and I turned around to see everyone talking amongst themselves. Some looking annoyed, and some looking scared. I shook my head and turned back to look at the boy on the screen.

Everything from then and through out the X Factor was caught on camera.. All of us grew together in our friendships and just had a chemistry like nothing I'd ever seen before. We supported each other through out each week and even in the end when we took third place we were there for each other... To me, it never felt like a loss when we didn't win the show because I was granted something that money or fame could never buy and that was the lads.. I wouldn't trade them to win the X Factor any day. They had become my life and I will stand by that. He smiles into the camera.

Has anyone tried calling him I hear Zayn say from next to me. I look over seeing Liam nod beside us.

We did.. He motions between himself and Niall. It's turned off. I sigh and look back to Louis on the screen.

After that, everything just started to get insane. He says again. We ended up being signed with Syco and Simon.. Which was the greatest moment for us and we were so happy.. We started attending meetings, fan greetings, The X Factor tour and were just busy right off.

I started noticing some weird things going on around the house and secret conversations. I couldn't help myself when I tried to listen in and was quite shocked when I did. Louis runs a hand through his hair and laughs. Man, the boys would kill me if they knew I was going to say this, but... I started seeing something happen between two of the boys. My eyes widen and I feel Niall tense up beside me. I look over to him and see his eyes are wide and he has a pale look on his face.

No Louis... I hear him whisper. I look back to the screen just in time for Louis to shock the hell out of me.

I accidentally walked in on Niall and Liam kissing one day.


Fuck. I hear one of each boys say from beside me.

The commotion behind me starts up again but I only reach forward turning up the volume louder.

I couldn't believe what I had seen.. And believe me they still don't know that I saw! He says with a chuckle. But the thing was is I wasn't upset... I was actually relieved.

I had been coming to terms with some things that I had been feeling for quite a while.. And they only sparked the flame inside me more. They gave me confidence and that extra boost that I needed to begin to feel what I was feeling. He stops speaking and looks around the room.

I lift my gaze over to see Liam looking back at me and then over to Niall.

Is it true I ask and look between both of them. Zayn is sitting beside me just as shocked and as he stares at them both. The each nod their heads in confirmation.

How long? Zayn asks Liam, hurt lacing his tone. Liam gulps a little and looks down to the floor ashamed.

Since the second week of X Factor. He replies.

What?! I hear someone roar behind us. I look up startled to see Greg storming over, everyone else watching him.

Since the second week of X Factor?! He yells at them. Please tell me you're joking! He screams at them.

They both shake their heads and cast their glances down.

How could you not tell us? Especially you Liam! I excepted different! He yells at him.

Like I would tell you of all people! Liam shouts surprising us all. I look at him in surprise to see anger written all over his face. Before anyone can respond Louis starts to speak again into the camera.

They helped me realize that I was in love.. And that I should be more confident about that... But I was so scared.. So I accepted my feelings but kept them in... I see a smile flash across his face.

I finally came to terms and realized that I was madly and deeply in love with my best friend, Harry. The smile on my face as he said the words I hadn't heard in so long conquered all the yelling and fighting that started up behind me.

It had been to long since I had heard him say he loved me.

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