Over 5

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"It's weird but true."


Skylar sighed as everyone looked at her, " Well... it wasn't me. For sure." "Who was it?" Chase questioned eyeing her closely. "You were out pretty long." Skylar nodded, "I know. Okay so after I fell asleep Oliver put something or said something that put me under the Corruptor's power. I was battling with my heart and head."

"My eyes were pink because I was just about to kill Chase by zapping his chip. But I fought the voice in my head and shot at Oliver who was watching from afar. So yeah."  They all stared at her. "What? It's weird but true. By the way guys why were you at a McChikie's?"

Skylar lay in bed thinking. She shifted to look at Bree's capsule. Bree's eyes opened and she stepped out. "What's wrong?" "It's just Oliver. He's never been even so much as mean to me and he hates me now. I miss the old Oliver." Bree nodded, "I kinda miss him too the little snappy runt." Skylar smiled, "He's taller than you!" Bree shook her head, "Potato Patata. Whatever. Why do you trust him so much anyway? He was evil the day before and you just forgave him."


Skylar sighed, "This is like a repeat. I was evil once and Oliver believed in me the whole time. Even Kaz wanted to just get rid of me. But Oliver was there. I'll never forget that. He even helped to get my powers back with Chase by telling him my weakness. The first time I turned evil now I'm evil free." Bree smiled, "Wow. Oliver sounds pretty loyal if you ask me."

Skylar nodded, "He is actually. He's just a little nerdy quirky." Bree sighed, "What was your best memory of him?" Skylar though for a minute, "Probably in Mighty Med. When he carried me to school and gave me a name. I still use it sometimes. Connie Valentine. After the dance we were going to. I kissed his cheek in gratitude and he probably liked me even more after that."

Bree cooed, "Aww. That's so sweet. You liked young nerdy Oliver." Skylar blushed and rolled her eyes, "No. I just liked him as a potential friend. And he was. For a long time. It just hurts me to see him like that. But it probably hurt him when I was evil." Bree nodded and hugged her. "Don't worry now. Sleep okay?" Skylar nodded and lay back down. Bree went in her capsule and smiled before going to sleep.

"Skylar." She shot up in bed. She ran to the terrace and looked up in the sky. "Miss me?" Skylar gasped as oliver rushed over to her and wrapped his hand around her throat. She began to cough and gasp for air. She clawed at his hand and he just smirked. "Oliver please. Please."

"Please!" Skylar jumped up out of her sleep to see the sun beginning to peek at her. She glaced over at Bree who was snoring in her capsule. She chucked as she slipped her fluffy slippers on. "And she said her brothers snored. Ha!" Skylar walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge for food. "I'm hungry." A knock brought her out of her thoughts. She looked at the window and took a step back. She shook her head over and over again. "Please no! Go away Oliver! Please!"

The brown eyed boy's face twisted in confusion as Skylar took many steps back from the window. The last thing he remembered was when he ran out after she had fell on Kaz. No it was when she fell asleep and he kissed her forehead. He pleaded with her by going down on his knees and she looked at him as she knelt down behind the glass. She stared in his eyes and he just stared back with love and adoration.

She walked out to him and sighed, "Why are you back here? You're evil." He shook his head and stood up and pulled her into a hug. "Were you always this short?" He said as he looked down at her. "Were you always that tall?" He smiled and grabbed her face softly and caressed her cheek. He began to lean down and close his eyes. Skylar close her eyes slowly but as she felt his cold breath on her lips she turned her face and his lips touched her cheek.

He pulled away confused and hurt and Skylar's eyes flashed pink as she pinned him down with his hand behind his back. "What are you doing Oliver? I gave you orders to kill her. Not kiss. Well that's okay because you can kill her with a kiss but. Ugh. Come back to headquarters weakling. Ice storm." Oliver's eyes flashed blue and he got up and nodded and kissed Skylar's cheek again and she collapsed to the floor.  He flew off into the night.

"Oh my God. Skylar! Skylar! Wake up! Please wake up!" Chase ran outside hearing Bree's frantic calls and he rushed to her side by Skylar. "What's wrong?" Bree shook her head crying, "I don't know. When I woke up she was gone and I thought she had gone out for a walk or something. I found her like this. Help her." Chase nodded and got to work. He carefully lifted Skylar into the living room.

As soon as he lay her down he scanned her body. Good. Everything is normal. He checked her pulse agaon and listened to her breathing. "Nothing seems to be wrong. It's probably just shock." Bree scoffed, "Please anything that angers or shocks Skylar she beats it up and yells about it. Unless its..." Chase eyed Bree carefully as the smile fell off her face, "Unless what?" "Unless it's Oliver."

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