Over - Short

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Kaz sat down in the couch and scrolled through his phone absentmindedly, hoping for action. He sighed loudly and fell back on the couch. His stomach growled and he groaned. He close his eyes before opening it and jumped up. "What the heck Bree?"

Bree stood up straight and sat next to him. "I don't know why you're surprised. I'm bionic and have superspeed. Why are you so scared?" He glared at her, "Oh I don't know. Maybe because normally I'm a doctor/teenage boy who is used to people saying hi or sup when they enter a room." Bree rolled her eyes. She turned on the large tv and flicked through the channels. Kaz leaned his head back and began to drift off. 'I could really go for some McChickies right now.'

He shot up. "Bree!" She jumped and glared at him. "What? And this better be more important than Teen Wolf." "What happened to the food we bought when Oliver was evil?" She shrugged, "I don't know. Probably blown up." Kaz gasped and held his hand to his chest. "Oh the horror."  Bree rolled her eyes. "Oliver!" Oliver ran downstairs looking around for the danger Kaz had caused. Or a mission. They're practically the same. Life threatening and Oliver has to save the people involved. "What's wrong? Who's dying?" Kaz sighed, "I am. You blew up my food. Now feed me!"  Oliver sighed, "Buy it yourself." Kaz glared at him. "I won't. Or else if I do I'll tell everyone about the thing." Oliver's eyes widened and he chuckled nervously, "Okay you win. Who wants chicken?!"

Pic at the top is just a treat. Kaz voice : ELITE FORCE!

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