Over 6

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"Really Kaz?! Really?!"


Skylar moaned as she sat up. She jumped a bit when everyone in the house was looking at her. "What?" "Where is lover boy?" Kaz shot at her. Bree hit his chest with as much force as she could. He barely flinched but stared at Skylar. "Excuse him but you know him longer than we have so... Anyway have you seen Oliver?" Skylar bit her lip thinking hard, "Yeah why?"

Chase jumped, "When?" Skylar hesitated for a moment, "It was just a dream guys." Bree shook her head, "No it probably wasn't. I found you outside passed out." Skylar blinked, "Then it's true." "What's true?" "Oliver was here. He stood by the window and I looked in his eyes. He wasn't under the control then he..." "He what?" Chase pestered. Skylar flushed, "He tried to kiss me. So I turned my face then I blacked out." Kaz smiled, "Mmhm. Tell us more." Skylar blushed and shoved Kaz lightly.

"Have you located Oliver yet?" Chase looked at the hologram of Mr.Davenport, "Not yet. I believe he's high up though and closer than we think." Skylar ran inside the control room looking around. "Chase! Help!" He shut the computer down. "What's wrong?" "Kaz..is trying to -", she panted as she held her sides. "One second. Whew. Kaz is trying to kill me." "What?!"

The elevator opened and the girl ran behind Chase and he immediately put up his shield. Kaz blew fire at them and smiled. "You can't run forever Skylar." Chase made his staff and put on a fighting stance. "You have to get through me." Kaz pulled his own staff out and they began to battle and Mr.Davenport looked around confused. "Hey Skylar! Come here!" Skylar ducked and ran over to the hologram, "Yes Mr.Davenport?" "I thought only Oliver was evil." Skylar nodded. "Yeah he is. Kaz is just mad that I ate his donut!" Chase stopped. "What?" Kaz blew at her and she blew wind at him but her shirt was burned a bit. "Really Kaz?! Really?" She yelled.

"This is my favorite shirt!" He stuck out his tongue, "Shouldn't have eaten my donut." She glared at him and as he walked off she struck him with lightning. He gasped dramatically, "My shirt!" Skylar stuck out her tongue and he ran toward her. "That's it!" He lifted her up and began to bounce her on his back up and down. "Stop it or I'm gonna regurgitate!" He stopped, "What's regurgitate?" Chase smirked, "She's gonna puke on you." Kaz grimaced and put her down quickly. He ran off into the hyperlift and shivered. "Gotta love em." Chase shook his head, "Not really Mr.Davenport. Not really."

"Relaxing time! Let's go to a teen club!" Skylar yelled as she walked in the living room. "Good idea!" Bree groaned, "I hate those. There's always a weird guy hitting on me."


"Hey whattado girl?" Bree groaned and looked around for Skylar or Chase. "Nothing boy." "What's the matter girl. Your boyfriend leave you. If he did he's awful." Bree smiled, "Thanks. Even though I haven't had a boyfriend in a long time. What's your name?" "Jerry. Yours?" "Bree. I'm with my brother and roommates." He nodded, "Cool. I'm here with my dojo. Here they come. Hey Jack, Kim!" A boy with brown hair walked over with his arm slung around a small blonde. "Hey Jerry. Who's this?" Bree held out her hand to Kim, "Bree." Kim shook her hand before eyeing her, "She looks like a girl I know. Wait. Bree Davenport? The bionic girl?"

Bree nodded and Jack gaped at her, "That's so cool. You guys have like a bionic chip right? Where are your brothers?" "One's here with me and the others are at home." Just then Chase walked over with Kaz and Skylar. "This is my brother Chase, my roommates Connie and Kaz. Our other roommate isn't here right now." Skylar looked away "Yes he is." "What?" Skylar shook her head, "Sorry. He just looked like him." A redhead and a tall dark boy walked over.

"Hey guys Eddie just ate a watermelon!" Bree's eye twitched, "Eddie? Where?!" Chase rolled his eyes, "That guy. Calm down." Bree relaxed and smiled, " 'Sup Eddie." He smiled then groaned, "I shouldn't have eaten that whole watermelon." Kaz smiled then pat his back, "I have been there my friend. I have been there." Eddie sat down in a booth and the redhead gave him a glass of water. "Who's the redhead?" Kaz asked. Bree nudged him, "Rude." "That's Milton. Believe it or not he's almost a black belt. So is Jerry." Jack said. Jerry nodded towards them.

"Really?" Bree smiled. She was about to hit him and he raised his hand in defense without looking at her. "You probably shouldn't have tried that." She smiled. "Try me." He slurped the rest of his drink and stood up. "Let's go girl." He raised up his arm as she swung at him. She threw a kick and he ducked easily. She threw another one and he caught it easily. He sent a punch to her stomach and she moved back and wiggled out of his grip.

She ran at him and slid under his legs grabbing them. She pulled him down and he stopped himself from falling using his arms as support. He flipped his legs and she gasped. She stood up and hugged him from behind and began to tickled him. He let out a string of high pitched giggles and everyone looked at him snickering.

He shrugged her off and cleared his throat, "Alright. You win. But only because of your tickles." Bree rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say Jerrica." He gasped, "I am a Jerry Martinez! How dare you?" Jack laughed, "Okay Jerry. It was nice meeting you guys. You're pretty cool." "Yeah we know." Bree hit Kaz and he smiled and tickled her. She rolled her eyes, "Do you guys wanna sit with us?" Kim nodded, "Hey why the heck not?"

Skylar squirmed under Milton's scrutinizing gaze, "You know. Has anyone ever told you you look like Skylar Storm?" Kaz began to choke on his drink, "Yeah we know. She had a umm resemblance?" Milton nodded, "You even have the pink streak! You must be a comic book fan!" Skylar nodded as she slid closer to Bree, "Yeah. Huge fan of Skylar." Meanwhile Kim was looking at Bree the same way Milton was to Skylar.

"Doesn't she look like that girl I fought one time?" Jack cocked his head, "Now that you mention it she does." Bree looked back at them. A man standing in the corner was smirking at her. "Kaz." Kaz looked at her, "What?" She gestured to the guy, "You know him?" Kaz squinted, "No. Why?" "He looks familiar." Skylar slid out from under the table of the booth and snuck off to the bathroom. She breathed out and splashed her face with water. As she stood up she gasped as she saw a pair of blue eyes. "Oliver."

Okay guys I know that Kickin' it cast was very random and weird but I was bored and had a bit of a writers block and the first person I thought of was Jerry. I actually miss them lots. Do any of you guys?

Comment vote and read on!

Love you guys! *Air kisses* *muah* *muah* (Aren't I so very sophisticated?)

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