Over - Bonus

776 15 4

"We need to talk."


Oliver lay on the couch just relaxing when a gust of wind blew past. He pulled his earphones out to see Bree and Skylar talking. They were out on the balcony and he squinted. She seemed fine. He shrugged and went downstairs to train. Nothing better to do anyway.

"We need to talk. Come up to the balcony." Oliver frowned as Skylar called him. He broke into a cold sweat. This sounded like a break up line. As he got closer he saw the silhouette of Skylar standing looking in the distance. He pulled open the door and she turned around smiling. She pulled his arm as she sat him in a chair and sat next to him. "Do you know why you've been called?" He shook his head and his eyes widened as she hugged him.

"What's going on?" He said as he pulled away. She smiled and lay back on the comfy chair, "I missed you, that's all. We barely talk anymore because we're busy or something's wrong." Oliver breathed out a sigh of relief and lay next to her. "Good I thought you were gonna break up with me or something. I'm sorry we haven't been talking." She nodded, " 'S okay. Just don't forget me okay?" He chuckled, "No one could ever forget to Sky. You shoot lightning right?"

Skylar grabbed his hand and held it to her own, playing with his fingers. She kissed the back of his hand. "Do you ever wish we were back to normal? Like when we were in school and not here?" Oliver thought for a moment, "Maybe. But no. I wouldn't change anything. If we did we wouldn't be on the balcony together." She looked at him. "Let's take a selfie!" He groaned and she pulled his face in a smile. He laughed lightly and she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled to the camera. Oliver 'the rebel' didn't look at the camera but still smiled. For Skylar.


It was Polaroid Perfect.

"Aren't we cute Olli?" He groaned, "I hate Olli. Makes me sound like a candy." She poked his cheek, "Olli. Olli. Olliii." He rolled his eyes and put his back to her. She poked his back. "I'm sorry Olli. Olli? Okay then." She began to stand up when he grabbed her wrist. He pulled her into a hug. "I'm okay. Call me Olli. Anytime." She smiled in his shoulder. "Now enough sappiness! Let's train." She did a backflip and he chuckled as she stumbled right after she did it.

Kaz walked in panting as Skylar pinned Oliver down. "Oliver we need to talk." Oliver glanced at Skylar. She let him up and tapped his shoulder, "What's wrong now?" "I let a monster loose." "Huh?" "KAZIMIRUS!" They all froze. The elevator doors opened and an angry green slime covered, blue haired Bree and Chase charged at them. Kaz frantically pushed the button yelling, "Go down! Go down! Go down!" Oliver held his heart in the corner of the elevator. As they went down her glared. "What did you do?!" "It was a prank! Only for you but Chase and Bree walked into it!"

"That's great really- Wait for me?!" Kaz fumbled, "Dude I'm so sorry! Help me!" "What do you expect me to do? Freeze them until they cool down?" Kaz looked at him with a 'duh' expression, "Ya think?" Oliver held his forehead and mumbled, "I'm getting a headache with this idiot." Kaz folded his arms. "I can hear you." Oliver nodded, "That's the point! Okay all we need to do is-" The elevator doors opened and a red haired Skylar stood with and angry expression and a plasma bolt in each hand.

Oliver frantically pushed the button yelling, "Go up! Go up! Go up!" Just as she fired the elevator began to close. "I still love you!" He yelled as the elevator went up. "Kaz! What did you do?!" Kaz held up his hands, "That was for you too! You were supposed to be there. I wanted a rainbow effect." Oliver looked at him in shock, "I'm gonna let Kaz figure this out because he always finds a way to Kaz things up." Kaz groaned, "Not this again! My name is not a verb!" "It is now!" The elevator dinged, "Are you two done?"

Kaz let out an unmanly scream as all three victims began to close in on him. Oliver slipped out yelling, "I had no prior knowledge!" He smiled at Skylar before running out on the balcony.

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