Over 10

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"What do you mean?! What's wrong with Skylar?"


Oliver stood up slowly. "I'm so sorry." he mouthed. Then Catastrophe raised his hand and Oliver screamed in agony and fell to the floor. Kaz rushed forward but not close to him. "Are you okay?" Oliver chuckled and stood up eyes gleaming. "I'm fine. But will you be?" Oliver shot an ice blast at Kaz and Chase ran in front of him with his shield. The shot bounced off and Bree groaned. "What are you doing?"

Oliver smirked then grimaced. Through clenched teeth he grit out, "I don't know. Help Skylar. She's dead. Or almost." Kaz ran forward and grabbed him by his collar. "What do you mean?! What's wrong with Skylar?" Oliver frowned then flipped Kaz on the floor creating a dent. "I don't know okay! I'm not even in control of my own body!" Kaz glared at him, "I should've gotten super strength. If I did, I would've beaten the Oliver back into you." Oliver pressed on his neck, "I want to too. Honestly!" Bree yelled as she supersped and kicked Oliver in the stomach causing him to release Kaz.

"How can you not be in control of your own body?!" Chase yelled as he lifted Oliver off the floor with his telekinesis. Oliver spun around and kicked Chase in the chest completely knocking him down. "I don't know! I can only talk. Keep Skylar safe! Please that's all I'm asking." Catastrophe rolled his eyes and walked over to the big machine. "Well this is touching enough but you should just give up. I'll be controlling minds so ta ta." He stepped in the machine and began the same horrifyingly painful procedure once again. Oliver continued to fight Kaz and Chase while Bree checked Skylar's vitals.

"I hope she's okay." Oliver muttered shooting a blast at Kaz. "This is weird. To be honest. It's like Oliver. But not Oliver." Kaz said. "You guys! If you use your staffs and powers on the pad over there that'll free me and get rid of Catastrophe once and for all!" Chase hit him hard, "Oh yeah? And what about Skylar?" Oliver groaned throwing blast after blast, "I don't know. We'll have to figure that out later." The two heroes looked at each other before running over to the pad and beginning to blast and hit the pad. "Move out of the way! I'm firing!" He shot a large blast that seemed to shake the panel violently. Kaz chuckled.

"Keep it coming Olli!" Oliver cocked his head in confusion and began to shoot at Bree. Bree glared at him and did something she'd never done before. She screamed. It wasn't a normal scream, no, it was a super sonic scream. It rattled Oliver's attacks and the panel. Oliver laughed happily before shooting at Chase. Chase held up his shield and glared at Oliver. He reached back to fire by Kaz held his hand back. "This is good, don't you realize it?" Chase's eyebrows furrowed and he ducked as one of Oliver's shots hit the panel.

"The more he shoots the more damage to this thing. We just have to duck and stay near." After a few minutes and a couple of good ice burns the machine began to glitch. A burst of blue luminescent light burst from the machine and it began to heat up. Catastrophe yelled as he began to burn and Oliver seemed to snap out of it as he slumped to the floor. Kaz groaned and he began to disintegrate slowly from the heat from the light.

"It's gonna blow!" Kaz yelled grabbing Chase and Oliver flying down to the bottom of the building to a safe spot. He grabbed Bree quickly and she shoved him back. "Help Skylar first!" Kaz gripped her waist tighter and carried her down before rushing back to Skylar. He lifted her carefully covering her from the flames that were increasing. He jumped down as the building exploded.

Beep. Beep. Beep. 'Shut it off!' Oliver thought angrily. His eyes popped open as he looked to the left of him to see a machine. That was his heartbeat. He sat up and blinked rubbing the back of his head. 'What happened?' He stood up and pulled the cord out of his arm and began to walk. He was downstairs, in the Control Center to be specific. He shuffled and walked into the room where three people were talking softly. "What are we going to do?" "What are we going to tell him when he wakes up?"

Oliver stepped out, "Tell me what?" Kaz's eyes widened and Bree hid behind Kaz and Chase. "What? Is there something wrong? Is it on my face?" Chase held up his shield before walking closer to him. "Do you have any urge to punch me?" Oliver nodded, "Yeah. If you don't tell me where's Skylar?" Bree walked forward and pulled his head down to hers. "It's him." "His eyes though!" Oliver frowned, "What about my eyes?" Bree pulled out a mirror and Oliver gasped. His eyes weren't brown.

They were... blue.


Okay so I dunno if this was eventful or action packed enough for ya but hope you enjoyed!

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