Over - Bonus

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Okay so before we begin I'd like to dedicate this to @Melody54000 for being so awesome to ma book. Thanks a lot. It truly made my day. I am OFFICIALLY WATTPAD MATERIAL!



Oliver groaned as he slumped out of bed. He wasn't feeling too hot. No pun intended. He walked straight down to the basement or rode the hyperlift and sat down by the weights set. He began to lift sleepily not paying attention when Bree snuck up on him and yelled, "Boo!" He immediately grabbed her arm and flipped her on her back. He groaned, "I'm sorry Bree. Don't do that though." She grunted and nodded hurt by his strength. He sighed and got up slowly. Just as he was about to leave Skylar jumped in the front of him.

"Hey! It's time to train!" Oliver looked at her through hooded bloodshot eyes. "Are you okay?" She questioned reaching up to feel his forehead. He moved back an inch and forced a tight-lipped smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry." Skylar gave him an uncertain look. She slowly walked to the mat and got in her stance. Yelling she charged at him.

Block. Block. Hit. Again. Block. Block. Hit. Again. It was later that day after Oliver had trained with Skylar yet he was still in the basement. He stood by the punching back doing two kinds of boxing and cardio. "Again!" He yelled as he hit the bag over and over, not realizing that something was wrong. He sat down on the floor the fatigue hitting him full force. He leaned his head against the wall and drank his water before groaning loudly. The elevator doors opened and Skylar and Kaz walked in. Skylar noticed him on the floor and gasped running over. "Oh my gosh, Oliver!" Kaz ran over to his other side. "Dude are you okay? See I told you to not work so hard today. You did a lot yesterday in our mission." Skylar glanced at Kaz before resting a hand on Oliver's forehead. "Oliver. How long did you rest?" He sighed and shrugged weakly. "I don't know like five, six hours."  

She gasped, "Olli, you have been lifting up people and beams all yesterday and using your ice to cool fires. Oliver, you're sick."  He shook his head. "No, I'm not." She glared at him. "You're hot." He smirked," Why thank you." She hit his arm lightly, "I mean your temperature is hot. Kaz is warming his hands on you!" Kaz chuckled and pulled his hands away slowly, "What? It's October so I'm kinda cold." Skylar put an arm Oliver's shoulder to help him up. She grunted and stumbled under his weight and looked at him. "What have you been eating lately?" 

He smiled, "Nothing." 

She helped him into his bed and put her hands onto her hips,  "Don't move okay?" He grinned and nodded. 



Hit. Hit. Hit. 

You have to save them. You're not fast enough. You're not strong enough. Stronger. FAster. You have to beat him you have to.


Oliver slumped onto the floor as his exhaustion took over his body. Skylar ran over and called Chase immediately. 

"He's just exhausted and stressed. He just needs to rest. I'll inform Mr. Davenport so he doesn't allow him on missions for this month." Bree nodded and smiled, "Thank you." 

Chase went into the hyperlift as he began the call. 

Skylar looked down at the boy she loved and felt tears slowly fall down her face as she kissed his forehead and whispered, "It wasn't your fault." 


And it ends an era. Thank you for all who read it and loved the show as much as I did.

Peace out!

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