Over - Bonus

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"Mhm. You know you like it."


Oliver glanced in the mirror. Blue eyes. He sighed and walked into the kitchen to start breakfast. After a few minutes of cooking two arms snaked around his waist and he smiled. "Sneaking up on me?" Skylar stayed quiet. He smiled, "I'll wait until you wake up." He spun around suddenly and kissed her quickly. "Up yet?" She blinked through sleepy eyes she hummed in agreement. He laughed before all of a sudden she hissed and pulled away. "What's wrong?" She held up her finger pouting. He smiled and blew his cold breath on it. She smiled and kissed his cheek before laying on the counter. He rolled his eyes and pushed her off.

"Hey!" "Bye!" They glared at each other playfully before a gagging noise interrupted them. "You make me sick." Kaz said as he walked to the fridge and got out a bottle of milk. He opened the top and drank straight from it. "So do you." Skylar scoffed. He stuck his tongue out at her and she flopped on the couch before running back to the kitchen sniffing. "Is it almost done?" She asked looking up at him. He nodded and she sat down on the stool by the counter. He rested the sandwich in front of her and they sat down and began to eat. Kaz flopped on the couch, somehow not making his cereal spill over.

Bree and Chase raced downstairs to get the front door where a delivery man was holding a bag of pancakes. "Mines!" They yelled grabbing ten bag out of his hand and slamming the door. The ran to the kitchen and ate the food. Like savages.

Oliver smiled and bumped Skylar's shoulder and she looked up. She hummed and he held out a strawberry for her to eat. "Ah." She opened her mouth and he fed it to her. He leaned forward and pecked her lips. "I've been waiting for that for so many years. Especially in volume one." Skylar rolled her eyes and wiped the foam off of his lips. "You're such a nerd." He smirked. "Mhmmm. You know you like it." Skylar threw her head back and laughed and he smiled. She held up a blueberry for him. Kaz groaned watching cartoons, "You're disgusting." Oliver threw a frozen berry at him. "You're just jealous." Everyone scoffed but inside they were happy for them. And they were all together.


This is a bonus of them after everything and a morning about a couple weeks after. Sappy I know. Yeah more coming up though!

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