Over 8

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"Interesting little thing isn't she?"


As Skylar yelled she writhed out of their hold and dropped to the ground. She began to run off and was about to open a portal when an arm yanked her back. "You're not going anywhere." Skylar glared at the man holding her before he sat her down on a metal stool and tied her to it. A tall man came out walking with Oliver in tow. He chuckled and leaned down and grabbed her jaw harshly, "Interesting little thing isn't she?" "Bite me." "Fiesty. I like it." He pulled her face closer to his and sneered as he gripped her jaw tighter, "Don't disrespect me." He bit her bottom lip hard drawing blood. He began to squeeze her jaw hard trying to dislocate it.

"Help. Oliver." She said as he looked at him with tears in her eyes as her jaw began to crack slightly from his grip. Oliver held his shoulder and squeezed, "That's enough." Catastrophe pulled away and looked at Oliver chuckling, "That's sweet. Really. My heart is filled with love." Skylar began to spit out blood from her lip and run her mouth with the top part of her shoulder. "That was disgusting." She muttered. Catastrophe turned around and smiled, "You wouldn't mind kissing Oliver though would you? Bloody lip and all." Skylar glared at him but couldn't hide her slight blush.

Catastrophe gagged and walked off, "Whatever. Ice storm." Oliver straightened as his eyes turned a deeper blue and walked toward Catastrophe and his machine. "Yes master." "When her friends come give them our warm welcome would you?" Oliver smirked, "Of course master. Of course." Catastrophe walked over to the inside of a big black bubble like shuttle and laid back and the machine powered up with a blue glow. His eyes closed and he gritted his teeth and screamed as a blue essence came from his body and began to shoot into the night sky.

Oliver smiled and began to walk towards Skylar. He loosened the ropes and she stood up looking at him with disgust. "What are you?" Oliver curtsied playfully, "Why young princess I am a mere slave under Catastrophe's spell is all." Skylar looked him up and down. "No you're Oliver. One of my first friends. The guy who gave me my name. It's dumb but I cherish it." "I don't have time to cherish. I am only here to serve." Skylar took a step closer, "No. My Oliver wouldn't follow orders. He would but still! He-" "Sounds like a punk. I know. No need to explain." Skylar growled and shoved him with every word, "No! He was loyal! Brave! Caring! Loving! Forgiving! Peaceful. He was my Oliver." Oliver clapped slowly, "Beautiful. Just beautiful. Anything else?"

Skylar nodded, "Yes. I also... Loved that Oliver." Suddenly she tip toed and kissed Oliver passionately. He instantly held her waist and kissed back. After a few moments, they pulled away panting and he smiled, "I loved that me too." Skylar looked up at his brown eyes and smiled. She hugged him before pulling away coughing. She looked down in horror as she saw the blood on the floor. "How could you!" Oliver ran to her side frantic, "Skylar what's wrong?" "Ice storm!" Their heads whipped towards a smiling Catastrophe. "What are you waiting for. She's basically dead."

Skylar's eyes widened as she clutched her stomach and stepped back to the edge of the building. Oliver began to walk towards her and she clutched her heart. "Please Oliver. Don't." He pushed her off.

She fell backwards her body flailing and as he fell Oliver looked down at her coldly. He stepped away. "Now that that's over..." Oliver seemed to snap out of it as Skylar's scream pierced his ears. He jumped off the side of the building high speed trying to catch her before she fell.

She was almost there. The concrete only a few inches away. She closed her eyes prepared to die. Her back hit first before a hand shot under her head and stopped the contact. She opened her eyes slightly, too weak to open it widely and smiled a bit. "You saved me." Then she went limp. "NOOOOO! Skylar! Skylar!"

Oliver shot up into the sky a limp Skylar in his hands furious. What had he done? Was it the kiss? Or just him? Catastrophe was going to pay. And he was going to pay now.

Okay the length is shorter than usual I know. I will be doing a double update. Maybe. The reason for random updates is my house has no Wi-Fi. So like tears everyday. I still update when I can though.

Sorry for killing Sky by the way. She will be missed.

Vote, comment and read on my land lubbers.

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