Over 7

788 13 1

"Missed you lots. Did you miss me?"


"You can't be in here. You can't even be here." Skylar said to herself. Oliver smirked and took a step towards her, "Oh yeah I can. Missed you lots. Did you miss me?" Skylar backed up to the sink, "I don't wanna hurt you Oliver." He smiled, "Really?" She nodded. His icy blue eyes were unnerving even for a superhero like her. He stood close to her so that she was pressed uncomfortably between the sink and him. He brushed her hair behind her ear and she shivered at his cold fingers. "Why'd you fall on Kaz? Or lock me out? Why can't you understand? I'm doing this for us?" He whispered before pulling back and looking in her eyes. 

She shivered as she looked toward the door, "Why? What do you mean?" He looked out the door and froze it as someone tried to enter. "I'm evil so we can be together. You won't see me as the kid who's ribs you can see." Skylar shifted uncomfortably and raised a hand and put it behind his head and brushed his hair. "I don't care about that you know. I care about you. Only you. So come back." He looked in her eyes and they began to turn brown. She pushed his head closer to hers and he smiled, "Can I kiss you?" He leaned in and just as he was about to kiss her she turned her head and his lips rested on the corner of her mouth.

She pulled his head down with as much force as she could and squeezed out of the tight space. She made a portal and jumped out into the hall way by the girls bathroom. She ran to the table where everyone was eating and she pulled Kaz's arm roughly, "Let's go." He frowned and whined, "Why?" A loud boom came from the back and everyone looked towards the direction. A frantic Oliver walked out furious. "That's why."

Oliver locked eyes with Skylar and smirked and began to run towards their table. Skylar pulled Kaz out of the way and Jack jumped in front of her as he threw a punch. Jack caught it and smirked, "You probably shouldn't have done that." Jack threw a punch at Oliver's face and oliver dodged it. They ended up in the middle of the dancefloor throwing fists and kicks. Jack was precise and quick but Oliver was driven by anger.

Jack did a back flip as Oliver broke off a piece of steel from the stage and used it as a staff. Chase jumped in and began to defend Jack with his own staff until Jack grabbed a mop and used it as a book staff. Oliver was outnumbered two to one. He dropped the staff and looked around. Jack pushed him against the wall and held his hands down. "Never hit a lady." Oliver looked at him with his blue eyes. "Never said I can't hit you."

He raised his leg and kicked Jack in the stomach that caused him to fly backwards to the other side of the room. Everyone ran to his aid and Oliver began to run to the exit. As he went outside Skylar was hiding from him. She had slid out during the time he was fighting. Oliver walked to a black van and hopped in. She ran behind them and jumped on just as they began to drive off.

Skylar gulped as she looked down at the moving road beneath her. She clutched on the side of the truck tightly  saying a silent prayer. She began to slowly climb while chanting, "Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall." She breathed a sigh of relief as she reached the top of the van. She shifted to sit on the top while gripping on something so she wouldn't fall. She looked up to see a tall building approaching. Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. "No way."

It was a sleek tall gray office building with four black triangular shapes on top at each of the ends. The building seemed to have a total comic kind of vibe because it started off small and as it reached upwards it got wider bit by bit. Skylar squinted as she saw a black some on top but she was confused as they began to slow down. She looked up to see a stoplight and nodded. That's probably why. A minivan pulled up next to them and a child head's looked up at Skylar. She waved and the child's mouth dropped open. Then he began to point at the top of the car yelling to his mom, "A girl's on the car! She waved at me!"

Skylar's eyes widened and she hopped down to the side of the truck. Just as she fell Oliver looked out the window and the car began to move. She breathed out as the kid and his mom went to another direction. They pulled up to the gates of the building and Skylar bit her tongue. As they pulled in a guard spotted her and yelled, "Hey! You!" Skylar jumped off the truck and headed for the bushes. She heard footsteps and she crouched down jumping off the dirt pathway. As the footsteps got quieter she smiled and beeped her watch. "Guys I found Oliver and the hideout. Just look ahead." She said as she looked up at the tower through the leaves.

She relaxed against the tree before a voice saying, "Found you." She turned her head and stood up shocked looking at the scarred man. A sharp pain hit her neck and she fell backwards into darkness.


Y'all thought I was done? Nope. Read. On. Just a little surprise. Muah muah air kisses.


Skylar felt herself being carried and heard grunts of effort. 'I'm not that heavy! I only weigh like 250. But that's because of the extra bones and organs!' She thought angrily.  'Oliver can carry me.' She cracked open an eyes slightly to see a staircase. Two men in suits were carrying her up them. 'Of course oliver can. Super strength? Remember?' Skylar mentally face palmed herself as hard as she could. She heard a door opening and she smiled slightly. One two three. "Attack!"

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