Over 9

671 12 1

"You hurt my family! Now I'm gonna hurt you."


As Oliver landed on the roof Catastrophe smiled. "Come to show our efforts?" Oliver scowled, "No. Here to hurt you. You hurt Kaz. Chase and Bree. Most of all you hurt Skylar. You hurt my family! Now I'm gonna hurt you." Oliver rested Skylar down gently before kissing her forehead softly. Catastrophe walked towards him and put a hand on his forehead. His fingertips glowed a radiant blue as he took off his mask. "Ice Storm! You are mine." Oliver gasped as the shockwaves of pain radiated through his head. He began to have flashbacks.

Oliver sat on a bench confused and hurt. We're Kaz and Skylar a thing? They looked pretty cosy. Or maybe they just fell. His conscience nagged. Skylar may be a like a high level gymnast but she's clumsy sometimes. Oliver chuckled remembering when she flipped as a trick then walking to the fridge he had to catch her because she tripped. Over nothing. She'd be awful in a horror movie. Oliver looked at the time and gasped. It was really late. Skylar would be worried. And Kaz. And Bree. And Chase. Maybe. Oliver rolled his eyes at Chase's name.

Forgetting about his super strength he kicked a rock and sent it flying over to a random house. A few moments a crash rang through the night and cringed as dogs began to bark. "Sorry 'bout that!" He yelled. As he walked off a man stepped out of the shadows and grabbed him. He immediately gripped his arms and swung him over his shoulder. "What do you want? Who are you?" Catastrophe stood up to his full 7' 0" height and Oliver stepped back. He rested his hand on his forehead then chuckled. "Everytime I say Ice storm you. Are. Mine." Then darkness.

Oliver could feel himself giving in ad he fell to his knees and began to scream in agony as Catastrophe put some more pressure on his mind. Oliver glanced at Skylar's body with sad eyes. I'm sorry. 

He remembered when he first met Skylar. "Skylar Storm!" He remembered his joy and happiness as he saw his favorite superhero (and crush) in real life. When she kissed his cheek after the fair. Her joy as she got her powers back. When he helped her live again. When they had little moments. When he hugged her. A lot. Held her hands after he helped her meet her mentor Crossbow. All the little moments. He'd remember forever. Even if he had to give in.

Everything went black.


No this is not the end. Read on loves.

Lab Rats Elite Force: Control Center. 30 minutes earlier.

Chase paced as he thought about Skylar's message. "What did she mean? Look ahead." Kaz stopped at the gray wall. "All I see is concrete. Or is this a type of special rock?" He began to tap it and Bree walked over and pushed his head, catching him off guard, making him hit his head against the wall. "Okay. Ow. Stop abusing me! I already escaped my evil siblings!" Bree rolled her eyes, "Stop whining and help us." Kaz sighed and pulled up the Catastrophe's file. "Okay. So he's..."

"Shh." Kaz turned to Chase, "No I will not-" Chase pressed his finger against Kaz's lips, "Shh! I hear something. It sounds like. Skylar. Oliver. They're in trouble!" They jumped in the hyperlift rushing to get upstairs. Halfway up as the doors cracked open a loud screeching caused the power to shut down. "Really?" Kaz said aloud. "I wanted to see what's going on. Especially that blue light." Bree shoved him out of the way. "That building! It's coming from there." Chase shoved her out of the way, "I wanna see too."

Bree shoved his shoulder, "I was looking there!" Chase shoved her back and they began to fight. Kaz slipped his hands in between them but he only got slapped. He growled and blew fire up in the air. They froze. "Stop it! We're heroes! We need to look ahead and find out what's going on!" Bree frowned then perked up. "Kaz you're a genius!" Kaz smiled brushing imaginary dirt off his shoulder chuckling, "Took you long enough to figure out. But yes I'm a genius."

Bree scoffed, "No you're not. What did you say a minute ago?" Kaz shrugged, "We're heroes?" "After that." "Look ahead and see what's going on?" Bree clapped, "Yes! That! Look ahead!" Chase frowned then perked up, "Look ahead!" They laughed and high fived each other. Kaz scratched his head, "I don't get it." They laughed and pointed through the crack to the tall building. "How long has that been there?" They shrugged and Chase made his blue staff and put it between as a wedge.

As they got out Kaz looked down. "Guys. What about our mission suits?" Bree groaned, "We just have to...ugh. Take the regular elevator." They rushed down the elevator or as fast as elevators go, and in ten minutes they were out the building and in a car. Kaz held Bree by her waist and Chase rolled his eyes as he took the elevator while the pair flew up.

"What are you doing?!" Kaz yelled as he reached the top of the building as Oliver leaned over Skylar. He looked up apologetically.

With icy blue eyes.


  Okay. Loves that happened. I can't help it I'm sorry but you'll understand what I'm doing and where I'm going with this.

All be revealed in time.

Vote. Comment. Read on. Love ya. Air kisses. 

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