Over 11

857 15 1

"You've got to be kidding me!"


"You've got to be kidding me!" Oliver exclaimed as he looked at his blue eyes. Not a hint that his eyes were even brown. "This may be a permanent effect." Chase stated putting down his shield. Oliver blinked. And blinked again. "You've got to be kidding me!" He held up the mirror before snapping his fingers. "Where's Skylar? She has to see this. Well maybe not because she might attack me. Where is she?" Kaz frowned before moving out of the way to show a pale Skylar on a metal bed. Oliver took a step back, "You're kidding me right? She's...?" Bree shook her head, "No. We don't think so at least." He smiled lightly as he approached her sleeping body as she was wearing her old uniform with the pink streak.

He gasped as she took in a breath but didn't for a while. "What's wrong?" Kaz walked over and patted his back, "It's poison." Oliver's eyes widened as he leaned closer and breathed cold air on her lips. She flinched but no other movement. "How ever it got in her body is the way it can be released. Have any ideas?" Chase said as he looked into her eyes with a flashlight. Oliver chuckled seeing how she glared at him. "She's okay. I think I can get it out." Kaz smiled, "Really? How?"

Oliver began to turn red. "Kaz remember that time Skylar was evil and she tried to kill me?" "Which time?" Oliver rolled his eyes, "At the dance." Kaz's eyes widened and he grabbed Oliver's arms and looked him in the eyes. "You kissed Skylar?!" He whisper-yelled. Yelled mostly. Oliver shook his head frantically while Bree ran to him and gripped his neck running to a nearby wall. "You did this?" Oliver shook his head frantically or as much as he could. "No no no no no! She kissed me! That's what brought me back! I didn't kiss her because I knew something was wrong! Kaz?!" Bree's grip tightened. "Kaz!" Kaz tapped her shoulder and she let him drop.

Kaz carried Bree over to a corner and talked for a bit. After a while Bree groaned and went upstairs with Kaz. Chase ran after them and waved. "See ya weirdo!" Oliver rolled his eyes at the nickname. He still couldn't process powers and abilities and heroes. The smile slowly disappeared as he looked at Skylar. He walked over to the table and brushed a strand of hair off her face smiling. "Beautiful." He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. As he pulled away he expected her to shoot up. But no change.

"Come on this isn't Snow White!" Oliver gasped as a tiny devil appeared on his shoulder. Oliver threw his head back and groaned. "You've got to be kidding me!" A little angel appeared on his other shoulder,"If I'm honest... that will not help an ape to live." "Hey! One of these days..." The angel rolled his eyes, "What boy, can't get rid of your conscience can you?" Oliver threw his head back and groaned, "What do you want?" The devil smiled, "Your soul." "Go away." The angel turned to Oliver, "To save her you have to kiss her like she did to you. Suck out the poison." Oliver glanced at him, "Won't that like, kill me?" The angel and devil shrugged before poofing away. Okay then.

Oliver shifted his feet and leaned down and groaned, "Isn't this wrong?" Two little voices from the back of his head shouted, "NO!" He leaned down and took a breath in and kissed her. As he kissed her a black and white spiral of cold air came from her mouth to his. He gasped and pulled away as all the air was gone. He fell to the floor coughing and gasping with his eyes closed.

"Oh my gosh are you okay? Oliver? Oliver!" Skylar yelled jumping off the bed. He shook his head and smiled before opening his eyes. "I'm oka- What the heck!" He scrambled to get up after Skylar had shot him with a plasma bolt. He ran to the hyperlift and prayed her superspeed wouldn't help her. She got there but the elevators closed just in time. No they didn't. She slipped in at the last second and he whimpered as she shot at him just as the door opened. "Whoa!" Chase ducked from the shot at him. Oliver yelled, very unmanly, ducking behind the couch. "Don't kill me!" Bree looked at him, "Huh?" Another blast and he ducked afraid of her. He couldn't fight back because she was... Skylar.

Skylar stepped out of the elevator fuming. "Why aren't you guys helping?!" Oliver yelped as Skylar shot at him again. "Help me!" No one moved because they were shocked that Skylar was even there. Oliver ducked once again before groaning and flying over and pinning her down. "I'm not evil! This is my eye color!" She struggled against him before turning to the three who were just watching. " You've got be kidding me? Is this true?" They all nodded, still in shock. She looked at Oliver's blue eyes. "Get off." He smirked, "I gotta try something first." He began to lean down and smiled as she closed her eyes. He placed a swift peck on her lips before jumping up.

She blinked. Did that just happen? "The kiss actually worked?" Kaz said walking over to Skylar. Bree supersped over to Skylar and smothered her in a tight hug. "I thought you were gone!" Skylar hugged her back looking at Oliver who was smiling and watching her.
They all hugged her individually before a large tight group hug. Skylar smiled at Oliver and he smiled back. They were gonna be fine.


Tears commence. Double update and the end of my first successful fanfiction. I know it's short but this wasn't meant to be overly long. This was actually written on a whim. I feel as though it is done. I will enter it in the Wattys as a feeling I'm feeling. I will however have like a bonus chapter and stuff. Maybe a one shots book. Depends on ma feeling. So for the last time....

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Love you guys.

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