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Picture of Lily's outfit
There is brief sexual violence in this chapter.... beware....


Its been two days and I still haven't seen the man nor his companion I saw that day at the diner.

I've been feeling depressed and I just couldn't shake the feeling and move on with my life. I know it's stupid just meeting a stranger and I'm all hung up on him but I swear it's like we're connected some how and my mind just always stray back to those brighteyes of his.

Sighing I turned over on the couch and stretched for the television remote to change the channel, this soap opera is not really my thing right now with the mood I'm in at the moment. No lovey mushy stuff when I'm in my mood.

"Stinker get your lazy ass up. It might be your day off but still there is no need to be depressed over someone your not even sure remembers you or actually likes you" Barb's voice rang through the apartment as she came in from her shift at the diner.

It might sound a bit mean but we both know it's true so, why pretty it up? 

"I know but I just can't help it." I whined. "OK! I know what you need. Go take a shower we're going clubbing no questions ask. You need to be around some hot guys who will be all over you and actually appreciate you. Now chop chop!" She clutches my upper arm and drags me towards the bathroom.  

I knew arguing my case would fall on deaf ears so I just obeyed without putting up too much of a fight and let her drag me across the apartment.

"What am I going to wear? I don't really own any hot club worthy clothes!"

"Don't worry I got you covered" She assured me and with a gentle push I was inside the bathroom and she slammed the door in my face. Grumbling I stripped down and stepped in the tub and took a nice hot shower.  

Coming out of the shower I saw that Barb had already taken out a decent enough outfit for me (She always does that), black ripped skinny jeans, a black and red plaid long sleeve shirt, my red boots and a black  beanie.  It all suited my taste just fine seeing as I'm not one of those girly girls who would wear a short dress or skirt. I'd die before you saw me in one.

"So how do I look?" Barb came barging in through my bedroom door in a short black dress and black pumps with hot red bottoms with her light brown hair curled at the end. "I'd totally do you" I said giving her a once over.

Laughing she walked further into the room towards me and put me on my make up stool to sit and started to do my make up without my consent, use to this kind of behaviour and too tired to argue I just sat still while she did her thing.  When she finished my make up she slightly curled my hair making them look natural and rest the beanie  on top of my head.

"There now put on your clothes and meet me when your done." She said moving towards the door.

"Yes mother." Getting ready I gave myself a once over when I was finished and nodded in appreciation  because of how appealing I looked.

The dark make up and blood red lipstick contrasted good with my skin, giving me alight glow. My tight black jeans made my butt look nice and round and it had me feeling confident enough that I might just be able to have some fun and forget about -he who I still not know his name- but let's just call him brighteyes.


The sweaty body of a tall hot stranger was pressed up against my back and his hands kept on running up and down my thighs but with my head spinning and everything in my vision  looking blurred as I swayed to the loud music blasting through the clubs speakers, I could careless. I'm point blank wasted.  It felt like a herd of elephants were running up and down in my head.

My attempts at forgetting brighteyes was totally futile. The alcohol and the attention I was getting serves as nothing but a pain in the ass instead of a distraction. All my actions tonight only made me feel a strong sense of guilt that I've been trying to ignore.

A sudden cramp in my belly told me that my bladder had finally given up and it was time to use the bathroom.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back!" I slurred to the tall blurry figure behind me, hoping he heard me, not waiting for a reply I slipped out of his grip and tried to part the sea of sweaty horny bodies dry humping each other on the dance floor. One guy was making a spectacle of himself doing the robot in the middle of the floor.

"Yep, he's totally drunk off the bat" I mumbled to myself.

The bright flashing club lights blind me as I made my way to the more seclude area of the club where the bathrooms were located. As I thought it hardly had anyone besides a few drunks and some couples getting it on in the dark corners.

"H-hey there pretty l-lady wa-wanna part-ty with me...?" A tall figure in the dark corner slurred.

Looks like I caught one of the drunks attention. He started staggering towards my direction,  wanting to avoid the trouble he might cause me I try and quicken my pace which only made my head feel like it was on fire and my stomach contents wanted to come back up.

An arm suddenly gripped my waist and sour alcohol breath fanned against my ear as the person took long breaths like they were tired.

"Come on d-don't be like that n-now, I just wanna have s-some fun" the drunken guy commented.

"Let go of me you sick pervert!" I struggle in his hold.

His hand that wasn't holding my waist slipped under the hem of my shirt making it's way up to my bra line, I felt so disgusted with myself and my head and stomach was only making it worst. He started to drag me towards one of the dark corners in the club and panic started to set in.

He pushed me up against the rough concrete wall and I can feel the flesh on my arms were I folded my shirt to my elbows bruising

"Let me go!" I shouted.

In moments like these I wish Barb wasn't passed out on the couch behind the bar. She was out cold before we even reach the peak of the night and I would have just left but I really wanted to forget so I left her with our friend Kale that was doing the shift tonight behind the counter until we were ready to go he would just drop us off.

But life just suck balls and now here I am. This situation sucked and all of the idiots around me were too drunk to even remember their names much less to notice a girl who might probably get raped.

The drunk guy started leaving sloppy kisses all over my neck and I shiver in disgusting. My eyes nearly dropped out of my head when I heard the sound of his pants zipper, I started fighting more aggressively when he was suddenly ripped off of me.

Their was a man with thick dirty blonde hair holding my potential rapist by his neck, I couldn't hear a word they we're saying but I only saw the guy with dirty blonde hair let go of the drunk guy and he ran off. Then dirty blonde hair guy turned and met my eyes which widen when I realised who it was.

It was him.




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