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Its school time so expect slow updates..... Sorry...  


As consciousness sets in I stretch my limbs and let out a relax sigh. The soft feeling of satin sheets curled around my body provided nothing but warm comfort, I think this is the best sleep I'd had in a while. It was so quite, so ca-wait what! Quiet? My apartment isn't quiet.

Sitting up abruptly in bed I stared at the strange room I'm in, it seems to be a hotel of sorts. Why would I be in a hotel? My mind was hazy from all the events that happened the night before and most of it's a jumbled blur.

Oh God and Barb where's barb, oh no. I griped the sheets that covered my lower half Getting up off the bed. I staggered a bit as my head start to pound. "Man I must have drunk a ton" I groaned out holding my head where it hurts the most. I must have had quite the night for me to have this series of an head ache and for me to end up in some strange hotel wait! Could it be what I'm thinking it was, no it couldn't, it can't.

Looking at my lower half only to see that I'm just in my underwear, no no, oh God no! I started to panic, I hadn't even realised that I was in some strangers tee-shirt up until now. No I need to calm down wearing a mans shirt does not confirm anything, they say you feel an eminent amount of pain but I'm fine in that area the only pain that I'm feeling is this pounding head ache. After a thorough inspection of my body I haven't discovered and love marks, only fading bruises on my wrists and elbows.

Sighing I took another glance at the room, it is an impressive looking room which was colored in a crimson red, the furniture was clearly made out of rich cider, small figures and abstract art paintings were what decorated the room and it was done beautifully, two doors were situated in the room other than the closet door so I can only assume that one leads to the bathroom while the other must be a way out. I trudge towards the first door which was closet to me, grasping the cool metal of the door handle I pushed it open and peaked my head in and realised that it was the bathroom and it was adorn in the same colors as the bedroom which made it just as pretty.

Taking a step further into the bathroom I turned towards the mirror placed above the sink and gosh, I wish I hadn't, the sight was not so pleasant. My hair is sticking all over the place like a birds nest and the tangles are as visible as the burning sun, it was horrid. Sorting through the neatly placed draw that holds small toiletries for guest I soon discover a small comb and brush, grinning I took the items and got to work on my hot mess of hair.

After I was done making my self look slightly more presentable I made sure my breath wasn't garbage, going back out into the bedroom I started searching for my clothes only to find out that they are indeed missing.

"What the hell! where the fuck could my clothes have disappeared to, I hope the guy isn't some old pervert who takes young girls stuff as a sort of treasure " I grumbled out aggressively. That would be totally creepy. 

I can't even remember what happen and how I ended up here but there's Only one way to find out, heading towards the door that I'd assume will lead me out of the room I open it and walked along the short corridor which open into a large area which combined into an open kitchen, the dinning area, and the living room.

This place was really expensive looking it looked like the penthouse or something.

Due to my staring fit I had not realised the door had open and that I was been observed until I heard that deep voice speak that sent shivers down my spine.

"I see that you have finally woken up" he stated casually. And his voice seems to have triggered a switch in my memory because I suddenly remembered what happen, dancing with a total stranger, been drunk off the bat, and that creepy guy. That sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine. I remembered how he saved me.

I stood there surprised not sure what to do, I just stood there like an idiot with my mouth gaping open like a damn fish out of water. My fingers started pulling as discreetly as possible at the end of the tee-shirt that covered my body when I became aware that I still hadn't found anything other than what I was already wearing when I woke up to wear.

"D-did you undress me? "

"Yes." Was all he said like it wasn't a big deal. 

"Oh I-I um I-" I have no idea what I'm suppose to say (insert distressed emoji) in a situation like this. My cheeks flushed red.

"Come, I went and got you some breakfast, I wasn't sure what you liked so I let them give me the most common ones, I've got some pancakes, toast, eggs-" I was lost as he kept on listing off all that he had gotten, when he commanded me and said come it sounded so sexy to my ears, I don't know what but it did something to my body, it made me hot all over and there was a slight increase in my breathing.

The movement of his muscles under his tee-shirt caught the attention of my eyes, each movement his shoulders make has the material tightening around each rugged piece of flesh. I have no idea why I'm reacting this way, never in my years on this earth have I ever felt like this, it's totally bizarre.

"You shouldn't make that face, it'll make me do things that I might regret." His hot breath fanned on my neck.

I hadn't even realised that he had moved from the door and was now standing behind me,  as a soft gasp left my lips. I hurriedly put some distance between us because of my dirty thoughts,  "Let's have breakfast,  yeah?"

"Sure" he said with a slight smirk on his face like he knew what he was doing to me.  I could just die of embarrassment but staring at his wide shoulders as I walked behind him I just couldn't stop smiling, it was hurting my cheeks but it felt as if I was living in a dream with the man of my dream, and damn was I loving it. 





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