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Excruciating pain was what awoke me from my deep slumber as a nasty head ache shook my brain nerves, the constant annoying beeping sound that resonated throughout the room was only making my head ache intensify. Letting out a small strangled moan I turned over on the hard plains of the uncomfortable bed to get a better position because my back is starting to kill me.

I was praying for a miracle so that this God awful head ache would just go away and that irritating sound would stop but it seems that I was asking for too much when a loud sob was heard coming from somewhere in the room.

Turning towards the sound I saw a hunched over figure faced down on the bed that I lay in, the person had long flowing tendrils of blonde hair turning white at the roots, it was messed up from hands constantly running through it. It seems that the person hasn't realised that I woke up as yet.

Clearing my throat to get the persons attention because of how dry and scratchy my throat is. It made it hard for me to form actual words.

The head suddenly flew up and big melancholic crystal blue eyes greeted me, the depth of grief in them had me recoiling slightly at how intense it was.

"Oh thank God Lil your awake, my baby" She wrapped her arms tightly around me as she broke into more violent sobs. I laid stiff as a board as the life was squeezed out of me.

A door opened and a tall brunette walked in with two cups that had the Starbucks label on it which I assume was coffee from the delicious aroma that greeted my nostrils.

She stood in the doorway with her eyes wide open and I saw tears starting to pool in her eyes, what's with all the sad faces? I thought perplexed.

The next thing I now is that the tantalizing smell of the coffee got stronger as the long leg brunette sprint across the room and drop the coffee carelessly onto the white tile floor. What a total waste.

"L-Lil... Your a-awake... Oh thank God" the brunette also attack me in a death like grip which started to make me feel awkward at all the attention and love I was getting.

Struggling out of their grips they let me go and I sat up straight but wires in my arm prevented me from going all the way, so that's where I was the loud constant beeping and strong smell of bleach and disinfectant made sense now. I was in a bloody hospital! But what happened to make me end up hear? I don't remember.

Glancing on the bedside table placed at my bedside I saw a glass of water and almost died from happiness except the head ache wouldn't make it all that wonderful. Reaching towards the glass a hand shot out and took it up before I could obtain it. "Let me... " The lady from before said, she looked to be in her early forties with only a few wrinkles around her mouth like she loves to smile a lot, she was quite pretty too.

Complying I let her place the glass at my lips and the cool water felt refreshing like I hadn't drink anything for days. When I finish the entire glass I cleared my throat a few times to get my voice back, when I felt like I could speak without going into a coughing fit I ask the one question that was bothering me since I figured out that I was in a hospital.

"How did I end up here?" I ask in a small whisper seeing as my voice still hasn't come back completely but I know they heard me because the lady's eye widen slightly and stared at me strangle. "You fainted on your way to work" she explain.

"And you've been unconscious for a week now" the brunette added.

What for a week! That's a long time. I just fainted so how could I possibly be out for that long.

"I'm going to get the doctor" the lady got up from her seat and walked out of the room. The brunette sat in the chair that was only occupied seconds ago and took my hand in hers holding it affectionately which made me feel uncomfortable but she seems to not notice my discomfort.

"You really had us all worried you know. I told you not to make me have to worry about you again" I just stared at her unblinking not saying a word because I was totally lost and confused to what she was saying. I didn't know how to answer to her statement. And before I could look like a total idiot. The creak of a door opening caught our attention.

The same door that the blonde had gone through open and a Asian lady in a white lab coat entered with a clip board in hand, the lady from before and a man who looked slightly older than her with jet black hair and is wearing a grey business suit with his hands wrapped around her petite frame enter right after who I presume was the doctor.

The doctor walked towards my bed while the couple stood only a few meters from the door they had just entered through. I think they we're trying to give me some space so that the doctor could work but the girl stayed rooted to the chair not even moving the slightest.

"Hello Lilian, I'm Dr. Ming and I'm just here to ask you a few questions." she smiled kindly at me showing her straight white teeth.

Nodding to show her that I understand she took out a small pen light and ask me to open my eyes slightly wider. She shine the light in my eyes and ask me to follow her finger as she moved it. After she was finish she wrote down something on her clip board and started to ask me a few questions.

" so are you in any pain? And if yes, where?"

" yes, my head and my throat feels dry." She wrote down something on her clip board and nob. "That was expected " she said and took out a small white tube of pills and gave me two of the small white tablets telling me to take them and handing me a bottle of water that I hadn't noticed before.

After I took the pills she ask me another question. " What is your name?" "Lilian Lockhart." I answered immediately. "How old are you?" I wasn't too sure but i say based on how I look right I'd say about 19- 20?.

"Um... 19?" It sounded more like a question.

"What's your mother's name?" My mother, mother I tried to think as hard as possible but it just wouldn't come to me. "I don't know" I told the doctor. The blonde lady let out a strangled sob and the men's grip tighten around her trying to console her with a blank look etched on his face from the moment he entered the room.

She point to the girl sitting on the chair I front of me and ask " do you know who this is?" Looking at the brunette I tried my hardest to remember her but I just couldn't and my head ache only increase as I tried to remember. "No" I told the doctor once again.

"What about him?" She pointed to the man who hasn't said a word since he entered the room, I looked closely at him and saw in his eyes hope, but I could just be imagining it , but he didn't ring any bells. I shake my head no in response. And I could have sworn a look of sadness flashed across his eyes.

"What can you remember?" The doctor asked. "Do you remember how you ended up her?"

"I was told that I fainted. But I can't remember much, just my name is all" I explain to the doctor.

She nod in understanding and turned to the couple still rooted at the door.

"Mr. And Mrs. Lockhart I am sorry to inform you but it seems your daughter has loss her memories"

"What!" I exclaim.






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