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Hello!  I got some free time so I wrote this chapter because I'm just so kind like that.  Hope it's okay for you guys though.

Anyways onto the story...


"Oh-hh... Yes... God!  Don't stop..." I moaned out in pure bliss as another wave of pleasure roll off my body in waves.  

My back arched off the warm cotton sheets of my bed. " Faster.... "  the words left my mouth in a breathless moan. 

I didn't know that something could feel this good, so toe curling good.

"Yes harder....p-pleaseee." The words died on my lips as my eyes flutter close. This is the ultimate pleasure bomb,  great relief floods throughout my pores as I reach my peak and a silent scream tore from my throat. 

Sighing I open my eyes with the little strength I had left from that great release I just had, sitting up and turning to face Barb I gave her a large grin of appreciation "Thank you,  I really needed someone to put me out of my misery,  I seriously couldn't hold out any longer."

Scoffing Barb rolled her eyes and turned away from me. " I will have you know that the next time you call me out of my bed like you are being murdered for this foolishness.  I WILL KILL YOU." She said the last part to sound like a threat. 

"But I couldn't reach it... " I whined like a little kid.  "Then bye a damn back scratcher! " she yelled and stormed out of my room. 

"Ugh! " why does she have to be so difficult?  I mean we all have that one spot on our backs that we can't reach right, don't you? Shaking my head I fall backwards onto my bed blowing the light tendrils of hair that fell into my eyes.

Dawn had come too soon and that spot that was itching woke me up when I couldn't reach it, so I call the only person who could help,  Barb of course.  But now I'm regretting it because before I knew it was time for me to wake up seeing as it was already morning but the thing is that I didn't really want to.

I'm not much of a morning person as I'm sure you've figured that out and I'd have love to just stay curled up under my sheets all day long. But life's not always about what we want so only a few minutes after Barb exit my room she poked her head back in glaring daggers at me "And get up because we have work today.  Don't you dare fall back asleep." and she slam the door once again making her oh so dramatic exit.

"Break it you fix it! " I yell after her. That girl should really watch her self she doesn't know her own strength.  She almost broke the damn door  of it's hinges. 

Using my hands to drag my wild strand of hair I looked up into my pale ceiling and groaned loudly, no why me!

Yay!  I guess I'm going to work today I thought and it made me feel like crying.  The only good thing that might come out of this day is that I might get to see Charles again. And the thought of seeing him again had me jumping out of bed and into the shower and out in no time getting dressed for work. 

I've never being this excited to go to that job of mine since ever. As I slipped into my shoes the ting of my cellphone notifying me that I received a text message caught my attention,  walking towards my bedside table I saw that the message was from an unsaved number. 

Opening the message butterfly's swarm my bell as I grin widely at my phone screen like an idiot. The words: 'Good morning beautiful,  can't wait to see you again. X'
                      - C.H

Were written in the message, I instantly knew who it was and instead of being creped out that my stalker has my number without me giving it to him, I felt joy that he called me beautiful and that he sent me a kiss,  it had me swooning. I can't believe he actually text me. 

My grin grew even wider as I saw his initials. It gives me a clue, I know for a fact now that it starts with the letter 'H' and I can have me some possible ideas of what his last name could be.

My Chester cat grin stayed in place as I replied to his message.  'How did u get my #? I didn't give it 2 u. And I have some ideas of what ur last name might b... ;-)' 


I know I'm lazy when it comes to texting,  Sue me.

As I stood waiting for a reply Barb entered the room telling me that it's time for us to get going before we're late.  Grabbing my purse I slip the device into my bag,  grabbed my coat and exit behind her. 

When we step out into the chilly early morning air I had to wrap my arms around myself tightly to warm body up a bit. 

"Are we walking or are you gonna hail a cab?" As I ask Barb, frost left my lips with each breath that I took.

"I say walk,  a cab is too expensive and besides we aren't that far away..." She states. 

"Okay" I agreed, it's no more than a ten minute walk from our apartment complex to the diner and when you have company you won't even realise the distance.  I had a bad feeling about walking or maybe it could be my laziness talking but we are low on cash so it's best we preserve our money and the best way to do it is to walk,  so walking it is. 

The streets are busy as usual as we make our way through the crowded side walk,  this is what I hate about walking every couple of steps someone bumps into you then gives you the stink eye like it's all your fault when in fact they are the one that's not looking where there going. 

We have only being walking for a couple of minutes and I was hating it already.  It was only a few more blocks before we reach our destination,  as I turned the corner a man in a long coat with a Hood collide with me and spill all the contents of my bag, letting out a frustrated growl I turned to curse at the man but he had already reach a distance away. 

I turned to look for Barb but saw that she was slightly ahead of me,  stooping I started picking up all the contents of my bag when a shiny case caught my eyes I know I didn't have anything like that in my bag,  maybe it's the man the bumped into me that dropped it. 

Taking up all the other stuff that's mine I grab the silver case and stood upright.  It was a small box no bigger than a ring box,  opening it to see if it was anything important so that I can return it a pungent smell greeted my nose I instantly drop the box as my eyes started to water and uncontrollably coughs shook my body, it felt like sand paper was in my throat.

Black dots started to cloud my vision and I blink rapidly to try and clear it but it was futile as I started to sway on my feet.  I looked around to see if I could call out to Barb and saw her looking around like she was looking for me,  I open my mouth to get her attention but nothing came out but only more coughs.  As I fell to my knees I saw her head turn in my direction before I was swallowed into the crowd of people. 

No one seem to know that something was wrong with me because they continue to walk by me like I wasn't even there. The darkness continue to cloud my sight. 

I fell to the ground and land on my back with a silent oof.  'What's happening to me?' I thought frantically.  I could move and my body felt nob. 

My eyes close on there own accord and as I laid on the cold concrete ground I heard people screaming and surrounding my body as the last of my consciousness slip away. 




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