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;-p Update because I'm awesome!

Lol... Just kidding I had free time...


I never knew having breakfast with someone could be this awkward. The quiet was killing me. This level of awkwardness was suffocating, it created a thick bubble around us as we had breakfast. The only sound that could be heard was the utensils that we are currently using as we eat, each time the fork made contact with the dish it was earsplitting in the stillness.

I should really try and start a conversation or something but I have no idea what I'm suppose to say. I already thanked him so that's out of the question and I'm sure kale brought Barb home safely so that's also not a question to ask. Oh, maybe I could ask where we are. Yes! I'm such an idiot why did I not think of that earlier, it's a good thing I don't have work today again so I don't have to worry about going in
late or anything.

Clearing my throat I ask, "S-so um where are we exactly? I figured as much it must be a hotel of sorts but where exactly are we?" Are we even in the same city! Oh God what if he's being nice because he's one of those persons that are into human trafficking! What if he sells young girls to lewd old rich men? That thought sent a shock wave to my brain, if needs be I have to have an escape route, I need a strategy.

"Well we are in my hotel room that I got for my stay here, it's not too far from the club that I picked you up in last night" he explain, but that didn't make me feel less anxious.

"So do I have to pay you for causing you all the trouble or are you one of those guys who's into human trafficking or are you just a pervert? Hmm?" I just had to ask out right, even if was really stupid of me but it was eating me inside I just have to know.

And cue the laughing fit people, rolling my eyes I kept a straight face so he knows that I'm serious even as he keel over in laughter.

"Are you finished?" I ask annoyed.

Sobering up he cleared his throat and said with a cold tone of voice as he right himself. "Your mine and mine alone, you won't be paying me nor will I be giving you to anyone. I'm not a fan of sharing what's mine."

"What?" I stood there trying to comprehend what he said, I'm not sure if he's just crazy or plain stupid I mean what I'm thinking in my head can't be the same thing as the words that left his lips.

To tell the truth, the idea of being no else's but his doesn't seem like a bad idea but I know I should be worried, I mean any sane person would be right?

And besides the guy seems to be a psychopath of sorts, I think he needs a straight jacket...

I think he might even still look good in one....

Ugh... Thoughts go away!

I think you have all realised by now that I'm crazy, no, not yet? Well thank God.

"Your mine. My beloved" he says casually.

"Beloved? Is that like a kidnapper thing now?" I ask confused.

Signing frustratedly he explained further , "No, it means that your my other half, my queen, the only man that you will marry is me"

I stood there staring at him like he grew an extra head, is this guy legally crazy or did he fall on his head as a baby.

"Queen? Marriage? Other half? What type of crap or stalkers into theses days? I'm not queen material nor am I half of nothing unless it's half serving of pie, like who can eat a whole one anyways, don't even get me started on marriage, in this day and age people want to settle down and get married at 25 - 30+, I'm only 19 not even half way there and besides why would I marry someone I don't love, much less my psycho saviour/stalker? " I rambled frustratedly, I mean is this guy nuts or what?

Looking at him now I could see his green eyes turning into crimson, tumbling back I nearly trip on my own feet it was freaking me out, I mean is that normal?

"I have had enough of you human, I tried to be nice but you just have to test me! Now be a good little human and do as your told" as he spoke he got closer, now he had me against the wall all up in my face.

I just couldn't keep my mouth shout, not even our close proximity was affecting me because of how mad I feel right now, I mean is he for real, how dare he talk to me like that, "Are you for real right now? What do you mean by human? You must be a magician or something with that freaky eye trick you got going. And thanks for your hospitality and all but I think I'm gonna leave now, yeah? "

Slipping out from underneath him I head to the bedroom to look for something to wear over the shirt that I currently had on. He let me go, thank God he didn't follow me. 

Rummaging through the closet I found several dark sweat pants , taking out one I slipped it on even though it was way bigger than my petite frame and head for the door to leave this nut hole.

As my fingers latched on to the cool metal of the front door handle, bright eyes flashed before me at lightening speed that had me blinking rapidly and used his large frame to block my exit.

"Your not leaving." Was all he said as his eyes stared into my soul, was it totally wrong to feel turned on right now? That fierce look in his eyes looks really good on him.

Gulping, I tried to ignore the sensations that I was feeling and mustered the most menacing glared I could and looked him straight in the eyes, "I'm leaving whether you approve or not. " I stated.

A small smirk graced his lips as he stepped away from the door and into my personal bubble, my heart started to race as he dipped his head towards my left ear, "I think I know just how to change your mind, seeing as your being so stubborn" he whispered huskily.

Remember those dirty thoughts that were housing in my mind? Well let me just tell you that I'm even more tempted to act on them now.

Grabbing my arms he turned us around at inhuman speed and forced me into the wall with my hands locked above my head in one of his larger ones.

Leaning forward his lips no more than a feathers touch away from mine and it has me feeling anxious, closing my eyes his soft lips closed in on my mouth and next thing I know I'm in a heated kiss with my psycho saviour/kidnapper.

And damn it felt good.





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