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Charles's P. O. V

The room was a mess.  Everything laid in ruins, furniture was overturned, some even laid broken, loosing their purpose.  The room was a picture painted clear of the turmoil that was his mind.  Blood stain the walls as if a murder was committed but it was bloodied fists that cause such a scene.  Even though he could rapidly heal himself he still felt the slight sting on his battered knuckles but it was nothing compared to the ache in his chest that his super natural abilities couldn't heal no matter how many times he willed it to.

He stood staring but not really seeing the mess of a room that he created.  He's mind was far away from here racing with thoughts of how much he fail the one thing he that mattered to him most.  He couldn't protect his own beloved.  

He didn't know why he didn't just tell her his stupid last name.  He could have saved them all the trouble she would be wrapped up his arms while he ravish her body bringing her to new heights of undiscovered pleasure. But he knew why he did it,  he did it because he didn't want her to see him as an arrogant rich man that I was only using her, he wanted her to get to know him first to understand him even though she thought he was a little crazy but her attraction for him was slowly making her come to accept him.

Even if the dark monster that he truly is has to stay in the unknown just to make her love him he would do it, that devil of himself would have to stay hidden until the right time,  until he was sure that she would be ready to fully accept all of him.

But now it seems too late,  hopeless even.  He couldn't protect her,  couldn't stop it from happening and it felt like a stake piercing his heart that kept on killing him inside over and over again.  The constant feeling of defeat kept on devouring at his already dead heart. 

He knew it made no sense groveling but for the past week he felt helpless,  seeing her fragile body laid still with her hair which shaped her heart like face,  her once plump red lips turned a soft pink and not the crimson red which he loves so much. But even in such a state she still looked like and angel. Beautiful, innocent and pure and she was all his.

He was so close to her but still yet so far; he remembered that day clearly.  He was watching over her making sure she was safe,  then he saw him, the man in the cloak with a dark aura walking towards her, he could tell that something was wrong because of the mans suspicious character so he had sped up trying to stop him from getting near her but because he was in such a crowded area he couldn't have used his super natural speed giving himself away.  But when he got to her it was too late she was already surrounded by a herd of strangers and had drifted off into unconsciousness.

When he turned frantically looking for the man that had done this to his soul mate he was disappointed to see him gone. He knew that he couldn't have been a human.

A loud knock on the tattered door was what drew him out of his trance.

"What is it!" He bit out coldly.
"S-sorry sir... I-its your... Be-beloved" The servant mumbled timidly as he peeked into what was once a richly decorated room. You could taste his fear thick in the air as it rolled off him in waves.

This made him anxious as he stared at the messenger waiting for him to continue.

"Come out with it!" He bellowed.

"S-she's awake"  he hurriedly shot out. 

Time stood still as the words echo throughout his conflicted mind.  The words started to slowly registers as his meshed thoughts cleared. 

"Get me my cellphone now and dial doctor Ming" he ordered.  The servant disappeared and in a few seconds came back with the phone held in his hands.

Taking it Charles dial the doctors number.  She answered on the first ring.  "Sir,  I was just about to call you. " was the first thing that the slightly accented voice answered down the phone. 

"How is her condition?  What happen? Will she be okay?" He ask question after question. He was happy to know that she woke up.

"She has memory lost It's hard to tell how it happened but from the signs that was left behind it looks like the work of magic.  Of course the human doctors couldn't tell what happen but I could.  It looks like the work of a powerful witch or even a fae but that would be impossible because their aren't any fae's left in this era."

"She will be alright though?"   That's all he wanted to know.  That she would live. 

" well it's hard to tell at this stage but she seems to be just find now she isn't showing signs that normal people with memory loss displays is all."

"Good keep me informed" he cut the call and dial the number he had tried reaching until he discovered what had transpired. 

"Hello?" The most angelic voice replied timidly,  he was sure she hadn't a clue who might be calling.

" Your finally awake" he whispered, he can't believe he's hearing her voice after so long.  It left him breathless.

"Who is this?"  She ask in uncertainty.

"Don't worry about that now just rest up" was his simple reply.  He didn't want to occupy her too much because of the condition she's in.  Worst how he doesn't know what the persons motive was for using magic on his innocent beloved. 

He was sure none of his enemy's in the supernatural realm knew about his discovery of finding his life partner so he couldn't be sure what could be happening and it was causing him great struggle. 

Throwing the cell among the destructive heap.  It landed with a loud cracking sound.  He had already made up his mind to go and visit her later tonight. He really wanted to see her for himself. To ensure her safety like failed to do once before.

"Max get me a fresh change of clothes I have a very special patient to visit." He said to the dark figure lurking in the corner of the messed up room staring unblinking. 

"Yes sir" he murmured.








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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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