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It's September 11 and I update today because it's the greatest day know to human kind.






I blinked rapidly not believing my eyes. It was him! It was bright eyes, and he was staring directly into my own.

He was my saviour, finally I get to see him again, and it had to be in a situation like this where he had to rescue me, my prayers we're answered but not exactly how I might have imagine. The world really works in mysterious way.

An overwhelming amount of happiness ran through my body, you wouldn't even believe I had just been in that horrifying situation.

His slant physic turned fully to face me while he had a blank expression on his face, he slowly walked towards my direction, each step making my heart pound faster as of it were about to fly right out of my chest. His warm minty breath creased gently across my cheek as he got closer, it sent my nerves into overdrive, He laid his hands on either side of my face and I could make out every contour of his hard features. His slightly crooked nose, high cheek bones and prominent jaw line. He was beautiful, like a cherished work of art.

Never have I ever seen a specimen so breath taking, so perfect. It was almost surreal. The look in his eyes left me breathless, it was full of warmth and concern it made me finally realize the depth of the position I was in, I've almost been raped and the possibility of getting Killed, pregnant or catching a sexually transmitted disease was a 95% chance.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I gripped his shirt and buried my face in the crock of his neck. "T-thank you, thank you so much!" I sobbed while tear streaks mired my face. His arms slipped around my waist and he pulled me closer into him not leaving even enough space for air to pass between our bodies. His intoxicating smell of dark chocolate gave me a sense of comfort and I knew I was safe as long as I'm with him.

When my crying died down he used his finger tips to wipe the tear streaks from under my eyes and on my cheeks. He leaned down and place a feather light kiss on my forehead which made my eyes automatically flutter closed. A content sigh left my lips as he pulled away. When I opened my eyes I found him staring right at me with his emerald gems which caused my face to go up in flames.

Clearing my throat to cover my embarrassment I side stepped him to be out of his personal space but he gently grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his chest, blinking rapidly to clear my confusion I thanked him again because he really did saved me.

" T-Thank you for doing that really. Something more dreadful could have happened but you saved me, so um thanks." I stuttered out.

" You don't need to thank me love but you shouldn't have been such a naughty girl" His husky voice commented. The way he said 'naughty girl' had some really dirty thoughts running through my head. Is it me or isn't it getting hot in here. Using my tongue to wet my dry lips I let my eyes trail the crowded bar to try and get those thoughts out of my mind.

When he stepped away from my body I felt a sense of emptiness due to the lack of skin on skin contact. Trying not to show my disappointment I stared at the ground.

"Come." His voice lured me out of my staring fit with the floor with just that one word. Seeing his out stretched hand I took it and let him lead me through the cluster of sweaty bodies towards the bar.

"Hey!" He called to get the bartenders attention. It was my friend Kale who is suppose to bring me and Barb home later, seems that his shift isn't over as yet, no wonder why he hasn't come looking for me. "Yeah? What can I get you?" Kale ask my saviour, it seems kale hadn't noticed that I was standing beside the stranger.

"I'm just going to take this one off your hands" he said while pointing to me, how did he even know that Kale was suppose to take me home? Not weird at all.

Kales eyes land on me and they slightly widen when he realised that it was me. "Lil? You OK with this?" He ask with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, it's good don't worry about it. Just make sure that you get Barb home safely for me." I assured him.

The thing is that I've never actually went home with a stranger at a club before and Kale knew that, I'm not the type of girl who hooks up with some guy she's just met, I have to be in a serious relationship, which has never happened, yes what your thinking is exactly correct I've still got my V-card in tacked I know old fashion compared to how people my age get it on theses days. But I'll have you know I'm very proud of myself for holding out so long.

Kale nodded in understanding saying that he's got me covered. Telling him my thanks I was dragged out of the hot sweaty bar into the cool night air.

It was like I submerged from a body of water and took my first breath of fresh air after being saved from drowning. The night air felt referring compared to the stuffy bar atmosphere. We were just standing idly in front of the bar when a black range rover pulled up in front of us and the back door flew open to accommodate us. Gently taking my arm he led me inside the car.

I thought that I would of felt scared to go inside the car with a total stranger but I felt the complete opposite I felt safe. I've never been this safe and felt so warm with anyone and I was loving it, I know I'm crazy but who would have just had something so horrible happen to them and remain sane?

Getting into the car he pulled me into his chest and told who ever it was at the steering wheel to drive. "Where are we going?" I ask contently snuggling closer into his warmth.

"Somewhere safe for now, then I'll take you to your real home." He answered, murmuring my okay was the last thing I remembered before the rhythm of his heart lulled me to sleep.






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