L x Pregnant! Reader ((pt. 2))

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Your eyes widen as you place your hand on your stomach, and you look over to your husband, who looked just as surprised as you. It was pretty much all a blur afterwards, with the only thing you really were focusing on was the pain of a small human trying to force themselves out of your body. Finally after what seemed to be an eternity of just the agony that was giving birth while you swore you probably crushed L's hand from you squeezing it so hard, you finally hear the cries of a newborn...Or actually two.

"It's twins!"

You hear the doctor announce, and you throw your head back in pure joy as well as complete exhaustion and surprise. Twins. No wonder you blew up so big. After a little bit of waiting as your children are weighed and checked for any abnormalities, they were finally handed over to you for the first time. They were both completely healthy and beautiful, and you have never loved anything as much as your little babies.

Except maybe L, but nevertheless. You were probably the happiest person on earth.

"They're perfect."

L says as he leans over to see them, probably just as happy as you. There was one girl and one boy, so you both got what you wanted. The boy had L's lips and face shape, but your eyes and nose, and the girl, well she was almost an exact spitting image of your husband, except she had your rosy lips, and the features shared with L were a bit more delicate and petite. Both had L's jet black hair, and you sigh softly as you look down to your new little children.

"They both look so much like you."

You smile, and you lean in before giving both your new additions to the family a small kiss on their foreheads.

"I was just about to say the same thing."

He says as he puts his finger into your son's hand, which was too small to even wrap fully around.

"Do you want to hold one of them?"

You ask as you look up towards your husband, and he looks slightly surprised as a response.

"I...I don't know how to hold a child."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

You laugh as you shift a bit before gently putting one your small bundles of love into L's arms. He stays still for a second before he stands up relatively straight, and he keeps his eyes locked on the baby as he shifts his arms a little.

"I already love them both so much..."

He whispers as he plants a small peck on your little boy's forehead. After a little while spent in silence as L ran one of his fingers softly down your child's nose, you hear some sniffing coming from him as he slowly walked towards you.

"I'm sorry it's....just I finally have a family to call my own."

He says as you notice a small tear slip down his cheek.

"I'm so happy that you're happy."

You smile as you share a small kiss.

"So, what should we name them? We never really decided on one, let alone two."

L asks as he gently shifts the delicate baby in his arms.

"you said if it was a girl, then you wanted to name her Satsuke, but for a boy you never really decided. You liked the name Link, did you not?"

He continues as he looks towards you for a second, then back to your brand new son.

"Yea, I liked the L's. It made sense."

L LAWLIET X READER // ONE SHOT COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now