L x Criminal! Reader *slight mature*

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You were on the run from the law. With multiple accounts of robbery and fraud among many other things, you were one of the most famous criminals in the world. And hell, you were proud of that title.

You were so famous that in fact, L, The L, was after you, and hot on your tail. You had almost been caught many times, almost. You could always just slip through the investigator's fingers each time. Though that was until today. You got a bit too confident, to put it in a way that wasn't completely humiliating. No, you weren't caught robbing a bank, or money laundering, not even something as simple as taking a piece of candy from a baby.

Graffiti on a train. You were caught by the conductor and taken in. For Graffiti. And of course, they looked into your file and who exactly you were...And whoop de doo. They immediately identified you as your law breaker name 'Ace', or your formal one- (y/n) (l/n). In one big blur you were tossed in the back of a police cruiser while the cops frantically make some calls, and soon enough you were literally thrown onto a concrete floor in some random building.

"Wow. Nice way to treat a lady."

You say as you pick yourself off of the ground, still with the cuffs tightly around your wrists. After you orient yourself, you notice that someone was sitting in a chair before you, knees perched up as his two deep eyes bore into yours.

"We finally meet."

He eventually mutters as he scratches his knee, and you immediately clue in to who exactly was sitting before you.

It was the legendary L. The worlds most famous detective.

"Heh. 'Bout time isn't it?"

You answer back in an almost snarky tone as the cops leave the small room. There was then silence. You both just stared at each other as if you were trying to intimidate one another, until finally he shifts a little and takes a red lollypop out of his pocket.

"I always thought it would be me..."

He mutters as he rips off the cellophane with his index finger and thumb, making you tilt your head.

"What do you mean?"

You ask, checking the lock on the cuffs with your finger as you sneakily take the bobby pin you kept on your back belt loop.

(Because you have picked thousands of locks, and have also been cuffed thousands of times. You started to keep the gear on you, incase of emergency.)

"I thought I would be the one to put an end to your reign of crime. Not just something that happened by chance. Tell me...'Ace', what made you so careless and foolish as to put yourself at such risk? You have quite the record. I don't see why you would waste your time doing something like graffiti on the back of a train car. That's what rebellious teens with too much time on their hands do. Not famous criminals who have reportedly stolen hundreds upon thousands of dollars from banks, along with a myriad of other offences."

He begins, but when he pauses you can't help but laugh just a tiny bit.

"Maybe you can let me go and catch me at a better time."

You say, just to see what he would do as a response. You were now silently fidgeting with the lock on the cuffs as you tune out his answer, only expecting it to be some speech about justice or something. After a few minuets, he notices you fidgeting around, and he leans forward a bit as the lock finally gives. Now with free hands, you look back up as you keep them behind your back.

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