random L x Reader headcanons

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~♡~Some NSFW~♡~

♡shamelessly loves to watch you sleep. He won't admit to doing it but you'll sometimes wake up with random braids in your hair.

♡love love LoVeS cuddling. Favourite position is when you lay on his chest and he has his arms protectively around you. It doesn't matter if it's the hottest night in summer or if you're living on the sun. Cuddling is a must.

♡can pilot a helicopter no problem but he hates driving. He can, but when he first learned to when he was 16 he accidentally crashed the car.

♡actually likes normal food now and again, but only if you make it.

♡He would like to become a father one day, but is apprehensive because he doesn't have any proper parenting skills, and doesn't want you the only one doing the work. (Also he tends to dislike other people's children). So he might just adopt some cats with you and call it good.

♡in his little amount of free time he likes to watch Planet Earth, or any sort of baking show with you.

♡despite being a detective, he abdoluetly despises crime TV. Not only does he know the killer in the first two minuets, he believes that those kinds of shows are completely fabricated.

♡he can't cook to save his own life

♡the only candy he doesn't like is surprisingly cotton candy. It's not the taste, it's just too sticky.

♡really likes Harry Potter. He's a Ravenclaw, apparently.

♡unlike a lot of guys, he loves when you wear his clothes. Lowkey gets turned on when your perfume or scent in general lingers on them.

♡likes leaving marks on you, especially when they're visible. It lets everyone know that you're his.

♡dislikes being away from you, and even gets a small amount of separation anxiety due to his upbringing. When you're away, you'll sometimes send him some photos just in case he isn't getting too lonely. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

♡actually enjoys a few video games now and again, but only when you're playing too. Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros gets a little too competitive, so you usually play Zelda together. Puzzle and stradgedy games are his favourite.

♡likes to stargaze up on the roof with you. He knows every planet and constellation and enjoys telling you about them.

♡Since he was raised in London for years, when he gets on an angry rant about something his British accent comes out much more than normal.

♡his favourite time to see you is when you just wake up. He loves to see you sleepy and with messy hair, tiredly drinking coffee as you wake up fully.

♡really likes to have you fall asleep on his chest. It makes him feel accomplished.

♡he gets jealous really easily due to his insecurity. When you're getting any sort of attention from another guy he gets borderline possessive. Especially true when you're talking to Light.

♡He isn't a good swimmer, and dislikes deep water.

♡He L O V E S handcuffs in the bedroom.

♡winter is his favorite season. Not only is it an excuse to stay indoors, winter has the best sweets. (Also it's cold enough to be snuggling with you 24/7)

♡He gets sunburn really easily. Yet another reason why he likes winter the most.

♡Has the cutest blush. Mainly shows on his nose and the tips of his ears, and sometimes his cheeks.

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