Your first argument

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You finally yell as you feel hot water seeping down your cheeks, and L presses his lips into a thin line as he turns towards the door. Before any time could pass, he was gone. Then, there was silence, only being broken by your slightly heavier breathing. That was your first ever argument, and it was a little shocking to be actually experiencing it first hand. After a little while of just looking at the door while you began to relax, you realized what was happening, and how physically and emotionally exhausted you were from tonight. Without much time passing, you turn towards the bedroom and silently go over to it, still overthinking the situation like crazy.

Jeez....for our first ever fight, that was pretty heated.

You think as you change into a plain tee shirt and some pyjama shorts, then slip under the covers.

Even so...he did start it.

You think as you turn on your side, inching toward the edge of the soft sheets.

As you were laying in bed unable to sleep, after what felt like hours you hear the door to your apartment finally click, followed by someone coming inside. Once the entrance to your home was closed, you hear someone slowly coming over to your room, and you move to the very edge of your side of the bed in response. If he wanted space, he could have it. Soon enough you hear the door to your room being pushed open, followed by silence.

"(y/n)? Are you awake sweetheart?"

He asks in an almost saddened tone, and you almost started crying again in response.

"Go away."

You manage to say without letting your emotions get the better of you.

"'s my apartment too you know."

He says softly as he comes and sits on his side of the bed across from you. You don't answer.

"(y/n), please..."

He begs as you feel his hand trace your cheek. You push him away, and you pull the covers up as you otherwise stay still.

"I love you. I'm sorry I was being stubborn."

You hear him state as he lays down next to you, putting a loving touch on your waist.

"Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?"

You say as you don't even turn around to look at him, and he pulls his arm back in response.

"(y/n), stop being like this. I'm trying go apologize to you."

He says, obviously getting annoyed as he sits back up. You didn't say anything, but just pulled the covers up more. Maybe you were being a little bit much, but you were tired, and to be fair you actually were trying to rest.

"You're acting so childishly (y/n), honestly."

He says, and you tense at his words as you sit up and turn towards him, exhausted and completely fed up.

"Oh, so I'm the only one at fault here? And I'm being the childish one?"


He snaps, and you feel yourself being pushed to the end of your rope.

"FINE. You know what? I'll just go sleep on the couch. If you want space, you can have it."

L LAWLIET X READER // ONE SHOT COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now