L x Pregnant!Reader

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A/N: didn't really know how to title it differently, but this is less pregnant reader and more focused on the day your child is born.

~♡~L's POV~♡~

HQ was particularly boring today. Nothing new in the Kira case, nothing interesting to talk about, and nothing to do other than sit here and do pretty much nothing.

It was slow, painfully slow. Time was seemingly at a pause, and I absentmindedly prod at the strawberry on top of my cake slice before sighing deeply, resting my forehead on the desk.

"Ryuzaki, why dont we just call it quits for the day. Nothings happenin-"

Light begins, but was interrupted mid sentence by my phone suddenly ringing, almost making everyone in the room jump from the sudden noise. Pulling it out of my back pocket, I look at the caller ID before tilting my head, seeing it wasn't one I recognized, or had a contact for. Funny...This number shouldn't be accessible by anyone but the seldom few I gave it to.

Curious, I answer it, hoping that if anything, it would take my mind off the boredom of the day.


"Hello, is this Ryuzaki?"

An unfamiliar voice asks, and I pause.

"How did you access this phone number?"

I immediately ask back while Light looks over, and I hear some voices on the other line before they speak again.

"I'm calling on behalf of your wife Mrs. (l/n) and the regional hospital. I must inform you that she is currently in our care."

They say calmly, and I sit up as my full attention is grabbed, my stomach twisting into a knot while I almost knock my coffee off the table.

"What? Why!? What happened, there wasn't an accident was there?!"

I immediately shoot out while everyone in the room looks over with an expression of surprise while I get up, quickly getting to another room before anyone can hear more of this particular conversation.

"No. Thankfully she's completely fine and safe. But you see...You're her emergency contact, and she's gone into labor."

They say, and I feel my heart stop while I close the door behind me in a small printer room.

"W-what? She's what?!"

I ask quickly, minding my volume before running my hand up through my hair. Of course I knew she was due soon, but now? Now?!

"She's in labor. Currently she's scheduled for delivery as soon as possible, as soon as both she and the delivery room are ready."

I hear the calm voice respond, and in the background of the call I hear reassurance that everything is going to be fine, with someone who I could only assume to be (y/n) taking rapid deep breaths as well.

"A-alright. Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I possibly can. Please let me know if anything happens."

I say, oddly calmly for how much I was internally panicking. After hanging up, I snap my phone closed, getting out of the printer room and immediately making my way toward the exit as Watari holds the door open, knowing exactly what was happening based on the little amount he had heard from the phone call.

"I need to get to the hospital as quickly as possible."

"Of course."

He answers while I continue on, not wanting to waste a second more.

L LAWLIET X READER // ONE SHOT COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now