All nighter // Random one shot

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Why on earth did you agree to this...? It was a horrible idea. But more so, how was L able to do this every night?

It was coming up on four thirty am. You had agreed to pull an all nighter with him because for one, you felt bad leaving him alone, but also were keen to help on the case. But you had no idea how dead tired you would be. Struggling to stay awake, you stare at the screens while you fight your eyelids shutting.

"Do you want more coffee (y/n)?"

You hear, snapping you out of your daze before you exhaustedly rub your eyes.

"Mph...Maybe. I don't understand how you can do this so often."

You groan, and hear a cup being poured before it gets pushed over toward you.

"You get used to it eventually."

He says, and you sigh before looking at the dark liquid in the small porcelain coffee cup, feeling your eyelids getting rather heavy again. Maybe a minuet of closing them wouldnt hurt...At the very least, it would give them a break from the screens...

~♡~L's POV~♡~

"(y/n), if you arent super busy, do you mind going over some of the security footage from the Yagami residence?"

I ask as I reach for a bag of cookies, and don't hear an answer immediately.


I ask again, looking over to see that her head was rested in her folded arms, and she was sound asleep on the desk. Surprised and unsure slightly of what to do, I pause for a second before pushing my chair over.


I ask a bit more softly, tilting my head while I bring my thumb up to my lips, debating whether or not I should wake her up. Slowly and hesitant, I gently reach my hand out, touching her shoulder and pushing only slightly.


She mumbles as she moves a little, and I draw my hand back immediately, thinking she was awake. But she still barely stirred after moving only slightly.

Getting slightly closer again, I try and think of other ways to possibly wake her. Of course I didn't want to startle her up, that would just be plain mean. But at the same time, she looked so peaceful, and for sure must have been exhausted. Her hair was only slightly falling over her eyes that were softly closed, her cheek was slightly pushed up by it resting on her arm, and her breathing was slow and steady as it gently rose her shoulders and let them softly fall again.

Without even realizing, I softly brush some hair from her eyes, making sure I was being as gentle as I could while I curiously look at her. She furrows her eyebrows a little in her sleep, and I pause before she relaxes again, and I let my hand trace down to her cheek while I tuck her hair back behind her ear, leaning more onto the desk myself as I let my hand slip away.

I had never seen her so up close before. It was strange, but oddly mesmerizing. It was funny, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on her gentle and relaxed expression...And I definetly no longer had the heart to wake her up. Looking around the room, I spot a small throw blanket on one of the couches that was across the interface. Quietly getting up, I grab the small blanket and bring it over, unfolding it before putting it over (y/n)'s shoulders and bringing her hair out from under it so it would be comfortable.

It's so soft..

I think, before snapping out of it, feeling my cheeks warm slightly before I put her hair down, smoothing it over the blanket before I gently adjust that over her shoulders, then move back to my own chair without taking my eyes off her. Eventually however, I manage to get back to a bit of work, planning to continue as normal.

L LAWLIET X READER // ONE SHOT COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now