Abused! L x Reader

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He wasn't the same today.

It might've been because of his order of cakes not coming in on time, but you could feel there was something more to him acting strangely. Not to say acting strangely is out of the ordinary for him, but today he seemed particularly...Off. He was more distant and cold to everyone, not talking at all or answering with a simple hum when anyone attempted to speak to him. On top of that as well, he seemed spaced out and somehow seemingly...upset about something. You could absolutely tell as well, he was your husband of 3 years as of 2 months ago.

He also didn't eat any of the sweets that he ordered, making your concern rise. He never skipped meals, even if they only consisted of cake.

"L honey, are you ok?"

You ask as you wheel closer on your swivel chair after just a moment or two of thought, making him look over for only a moment.

"I'm fine (y/n)."

He answers icily, making you frown.

"Well...It doesn't seem like it...You haven't eaten anything today. It's not like you to miss out on fresh cake. I would know, we've been married for 3 years now."

You joke as you touch his arm, but your smile drops when he quickly pulls away and glances over.

"I said I'm fine."

He repeats, and you feel tears spring to your eyes as he mutters something out of annoyance under his breath.

"O-ok. I won't bother you again."

You whisper as you move your chair away, quickly wiping up your tears and continuing with work. But you knew him, and he tended to unintentionally take his emotions out on anyone who tried to pry. Of course he didn't realize and absolutely didn't mean to, but The best thing to do was just leave him alone during times like this.

..Even if it did hurt.

Hopefully though, he would be back to normal tonight.

After you left work, you make your way back upstairs and enter your apartment, still wondering what was bothering L so much. It's not like you could ask him, because you tried already, and he pushed you away.

You sigh as you take your hair out of your bun, and you sit down on the couch as you rub your temples. It would be a few extra hours until he got home anyway.  After you sit there unmoving for maybe ten minuets, you get up and make your way over to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

But your eye catches something while you were making your way over. It looked to be an old photo on the dining room table. Curious, you make your way over and pick it up. It was of a woman overlooking the ocean. But Immediately it clicks.

"Is she..."

You whisper, looking at the photo. Black hair, thin features, and the same light skin you knew anywhere.

This woman, she was L's biological mother wasn't she.

After a few moments of shock mixed with sadness, you put down the picture and decide to head back downstairs to where your husband was.

Once you got back down to the surveillance room, you approach him slowly, figuring out what to say. 

"L, is there....is there something on your mind?"

L LAWLIET X READER // ONE SHOT COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now