L x Sick! Reader

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You wake up in the morning feeling absolutely awful. Immediately knowing you were sick, you groan and roll over, catching your boyfriend's attention.

"Are you feeling ok sweetheart?"

He asks, gently touching your arm.

"Y-Yea, I'm fi-"

You pause, then toss the covers aside at lightning speed and book it to the washroom, needing to throw up. Not long after you get there, you feel someone gently pull your hair away, while at the same time running their free hand up and down your back. By the time you were done and flushed the toilet, you were shaking and teary eyed, and L brings you upward and sits you on the bathroom counter, gently kissing each of your eyelids.

"Shh...Love....you're going to be ok..."

He gently says, pressing his cool hand on your forehead.

"You're burning up."

He continues softly, before he tsks three times and takes hand away.

"I-I don't feel good at all."

You mumble, and he slips his hand down to your cheek.

"Hold on one second, ok?"

He says, and he ventures into one of the cabinets before pulling out a few bottles.

"I want you to take a few Advils and some vitamins. After that it's straight back to bed, ok?"

He says, shaking them into his slender hand before giving them to you.

"Aww, can I at least stay in the living room? That way I can watch movies all day."

You complain, and he sighs before picking you up gently, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.

"You should really get some rest....but, I can't say no to that face..."

He says, and you smile as you snuggle up to him. He then places you down on the couch, and kisses your forehead softly before he walks into your bedroom, bringing over the duvet from the bed. He then wraps you up and gently tucks you in, soon after giving you the wireless keyboard and mouse, setting up the computer on the tv so you could watch Netflix.

"I'm going to go make some ginger tea and something hot for you to eat, ok?"

He says, and you frown.

"I don't want to eat anything..."

You say, and he sighs before speaking.

"You have to if you want to feel any better."

L says, and you pout.

"What if I throw up again?"

You ask, and he brings some stray hair behind your ear before answering.

"If you feel nauseous, you don't have to finish it sweetheart. But you have to eat something, even if it's just one bite. ok?"

He mumbles, and you finally nod as you snuggle into your blankets.


You reluctantly say, and he gives a small smile before he turns to the kitchen. As he's there, you absently scroll through various movies as you hear him clinking with the dishes, soon after putting the kettle on while he pulls his cellphone from his pocket.

L LAWLIET X READER // ONE SHOT COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now