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Her dress is at the top. 😁
I just wanted to put a video of Elena on here but all the videos had either Stefan or Damon so I chose this one because it seemed to have more.
1 year ago


"Come on Elena don't be like this" I heard my mother say,
me and her were
fighting again, "Why not?" I screamed. I couldn't
do this she has
done nothing wrong,
I got up and went to unlock my door and open it.
My mother had
tears going down her face,
"it's ok mom, I'm sorry
I'm just not having
a good day" I say as
I pull her into a hug,
she sniffed.

*2 hours later*

"Elena Caroline and
Bonnie are here!" I heard
my mom yell
from down stairs,
dad came into my room,
"if you need anything
call me and
I'll come get you, ok?"
he asked, "Ok daddy
calm its just a
small party"
I hugged him.

When I finshed putting
on my makeup and
my pink flowing dress,
I went downstairs.
"I love you guys
I'll call if anything
happens" I gave them
both a hug as is said that.
I walked out of the
house and got into
caroline's car and we
headed off
towards the party.

*at the party*

"Hey babe!" I heard Matt call out,
I turned around and
he kissed me,
I tasted the beer,
but knew he wasn't drunk.
I smiled lightly,
"hey" he looked at me, "we need to talk" after he said that
he pulled me away
from everyone.

When we got far
enough he looked at me,"I don't think I can go on
with this
relationship" he said, I stared at him, "I'm sorry
you feel that way"
I said and turned
around and walked away
as a few tears fell. I pulled
out my phone
and called my mom.

After three rings
she picked up, "hey hunny how's the party?" she asked.
I sobbed, "please come get me I want to go home" I cried.
She said ok and hung up.
I walked a few yards
away and saw someone
laying on the road.

"Why are you laying
in the road?" I asked
still a upset, he got up
and looked at me,
"I was just thinking, why are you crying?" he asked.
I told him what happened and he nodded an " i understand"
I looked at him, "I'm sorry" he said.

I looked around confused,
'wasn't I just walking hmm I wonder why I stopped'
I wondered to myself.
I looked up and saw
my parents car
coming this way,
they stopped beside me and I got in. They looked at me
and it started to rain, "we need to get home and talk"
they said at the same time. But then the unexpected
happened, bright lights were in front of us,
"Dad watch out!" I screamed.
He took a sharp turn causing us to go off of a bridge and into the water.


So this is my first Fanfiction and the first chapter. What do you think?
Well please comment what you think.


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