New Wounds

253 17 5

I thought you guys might want to see the hotties lol.. Damon is still the hottest. 😏😏

"Elena were are you?"
I heard caroline, I sobbed
and she came to
the stall I was in and came
inside. She looked at me
and saw the blood,
"Elena I thought you said you stopped!"
she cried out. She picked me
up and my things and took me to the nurse.

When we got to the nurse
I noticed Damon was there, he looked over at me immediately
and got up fast.
He came over to me and
took me from Caroline,
everything started
to get blury and I passed out.

*10 minutes*

After waking up I
noticed that I wasn't at
school, I was in someone's
house. I got off the couch
that I was on and I looked
at my arm and noticed it was bandaged up. I was a
little bit scared about were
I was because nothing was familiar, "Hello!?" I yelled
out, After I yelled that I heard yelling. I looked around
the room I was, it was a bedroom, "I see your finally awake"
I look over and see stefan,
Damon's brother. He looks
at me and smiles kindly,
"how are you feeling?"
he asked, I just nodded an ok.

I started getting pissed,
I have been here for
over 2 hours now and
all they were
doing was staring at me,
like what the fuck.
I finally got sick and tired
of it and pushed past them,
"I'm leaving before I break something" I mumbled. I
got to the end of the stairs
when someone grabbed my
hand, "Wait!" it was Damon
who yelled that. I turned
around and looked him, "Let me go" I growled those words
out, I was beyond pissed.

He let me go, I turned around
and ran outside. I ran all the
way home, afraid they
were following me. When I go
t to the door I opened it and ran inside to see a very angry/concerned Jenna. I stood
there as she yelled at me, "Elena are you even listening to me!?"
I gasped out of my daze and
nodded at her, "go to your, I'll holler when dinner is done" she mumbled something else as she went by.

I ran upstairs and
went into my room
locking the door, I started looking for my journal.
I've looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it, so I
ran to Jeremy's room. I knocked, no answer, so I barged in. I looked in his drawars
and found my journal,
but also other things.



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