"That's not what I see..."

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How could she call herself weak and not strong, hell she's going through the death of her parents and her brother doing drugs, yet she is staying strong. I looked at Elena in the eyes, "That's not what I see, I see a strong independent women who's having to act strong and tough, but when deep down you know your breaking, but you know you also have to be strong for other people. You have been going through being bullied, the death 22nd your parents,and having to handle your brother because he's doing drugs. You've been through the worst stuff. So you are not "simply broken" your simply strong" I told her with all my heart, and she just broke down crying.
  She sat there and cried into my arms to were she made herself pass out, I had tears at the brims of my eyes, she's just wanting to be healed..

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