The horrible Morning

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So it's like 2 am here and I'm tired, but I'm still gonna write.

I woke up to the sound of
yelling, So I looked at the
time 4 in the fucking morning.
I got out of bed pissed off and headed downstairs, "Will you guys stop fighting,it's 4 in
the morning!" I yelled/cried,
aunt Jenna looked at me.

Jeremy looked at me next,
"This is your fault!" he yelled
at me, I flinched. I could feel
the tears gather in my eyes, "What?" a few tears fell as
I said this, aunt Jenna came
over to me, then looked at
Jeremy. "You need to
apologize to her right now,"
She said in a stern voice,
but I ran upstairs and
went to my room.

I grabbed some jeggings and
a baggy shirt and put
them on, then I grabbed my
black converse and put them
on. As I headed out of the
room, I grabbed my bag and
phone, then ran out. When I
got downstairs I ran past
them, Jeremy had the look
of guilt but i didn't care.

I don't know how long I ran,
but when I stopped I was in front
of a park. I went to sit
underneath trees and just
broke down crying, I cried for
what felt like hours, until my
phone went off. I looked at
the contact name, Jeremy,
I ignored it.

My phone kept going off,
until finally I answered it,
"What do you want!?" I yelled
as sobs came out. I heard
someone take a breath,
but I hung up. I put my phone
in my bag and got up, still
crying, and went to
mystic falls cementry.

I ran to my mother and
fathers grave,"why didn't I die
with you guys?" I asked,
I was still crying, maybe
just a little harder this time. I
sat down and cried, "I don't
want be like this, I don't want
to feel like this. I just want
to be happy, not depressed
and weak!" I yelled,
the sobs coming harder. I cried
for a long time, longer
than I anticipated.

*Jeremy's prove*

Me and aunt Jenna started
fighting, this time at 4,
I went out with some of my
'friends' but they weren't
my friends. These people were
my drug dealers, I started
doing drugs after my mom
and dad died. She kept yelling
at me, and so I've finally
had enough, "Maybe if mom
and dad were here is
wouldnt be doing drugs,
I would be happy!" I yelled,
she looked hurt. Then Elena
came down, and she had to
make it worse, "Will you guys
stop fighting, it's 4
in the morning."

Aunt Jenna looked at her,
then I looked her, "This is your fault!" I yelled at her,
she looked hurt, and you could
see the tears form. She looked
at me, "What?" tears fell from
her eyes as she said that,
I immediately regretted it.
Aunt Jenna went over to her
and looked at me "Apologize
to her right now!" she yelled,
but Elena had ran

She came flying downstairs,
I felt guilty as she ran out.
I left her alone for a while,
then tried calling her, she
ignored everyone of them.
I kept trying until finally
she answered, "What do
you want!" she yelled, I could
hear her sobbing, so I took a
deep breath, about to talk but
she hung up. I didn't try calling
her back.

I got ready for school, and ran
out, running to school. I went
over to Caroline and Bonnie
and asked if they seen her yet,
they said no.

Boy I fucked up badly....

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