Last Day Of School{Pt3}

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Payton thought about asking Yn out and how would that affect his and Christain's friendship and how it would be a good thing and not mess up his and Christain friendship because he would trust you going out with his little sister.


Payton~um Yn can I holla at you out in the hall way for a minute please?

Yn~(looks confused)um ok (walks out in the hall way)

Payton~um i don't know how to say this

Yn~well just say it

Payton~ok look Yn i've liked you since me and Christain first became friends and I saw you I Been wanted to ask you out but I was scared you wouldn't feel the same and I didn't want me and Christain to stop being friends cause he's like a brother to me and you is....well was like a sister to me but I couldn't hide this from you no more so Yn will you go out with me?i'll understand If you don't wanna be with me.

Yn~well you shouldn't be scared to ask out somebody that you like even if they rejects you.

Payton~yeah i guess I was shy but you still didn't answer my question do you wanna go out with me?

Yn~yes I would love to(smiles)

Payton~yes,do you think Christain would care that I'm your boyfriend now?

Yn~no I don't think he would care because he's your friend and i've dated one of his friends before and he didn't's just the strangers he's worried bout asking me out because anything can happen to me if I don't know the person well and I'm the only family member he got left and I can't leave him right now.

Payton~you know me well right?


Payton~well enough to let me have our first kiss?(bites bottom lip)

Yn~(giggles)wow you're moving fast but yes well enough for us to have our first kiss

Payton~(goes closer to you & put his hands around your waist)

Yn~(put your arms around his neck and stares deep and his eyes)

Payton~(looks deep in your eyes)


Payton~you're a good kisser and ya lips soft and taste good

Yn~(blushes and smile)thanks you're a good kisser too and I love the way ya lips taste and feel on mine.

Payton~(chuckle and bites bottom lip)can I see ya phone?

Yn~um sure

Payton~(puts his number in your phone and your number in his phone)now we're official

Yn~Yeah,we should go back in side the cafeteria everybody's probably wondering what's taking us so long.

Payton~yeah common(puts arm around your waist and y'all walk in the cafeteria)

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