All Dreams Come True~The Sequel {Pt1}

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So it's been 3 years since I've talked to or seen Kai or Christian.I may have moved forward with my life and had a baby with somebody else but I still hold a grudge,I still want my revenge on them both especially on Kai. She took what was mine and I'm not giving up that easy with out a fight. By the way speaking of fights Kai never got her ass beaten or Christian(evil laugh)let's see how long shit a last for them to be happy



So Cassie have been talking shit about me and Christian on social media like Twitter,Facebook,Instagram etc talking bout she can't get over the fact that she never got her revenge on me and Chris and we should watch out cuz karma is coming for our asses especially me for taking Christian back but know I ain't scared.I'm prepared to beat a bitch cuz this shit have been going on #3YearsStrong and I'm getting tired of her mouth.Time to show little Cassie what Kai is really about(smirk)



so these past 3 years have had some good days and some fucked up days but we all made it to 2014 and had our kids. These past three years have been involving gun shootings,fighting,arguing,mixed emotions,sex and a lot of it too,and a lot of baby having but just when y'all thought it was over more shit has happened and still is continuing today. When I say shit is still happening today I mean the altercation between Kai and Cassie,Payton and Justin but the fight cooled down with Payton and Justin but the shit going on with Kai and Cassie never stopped this shit just keep on going like a long road but no drama is involving me so I'ma keep it like that and sit back and watch and let shit play out what ever happen happens.




Kai~can you get Kaistian dressed so we can go around Yn and Payton's house??

Christian~oh no you can't go right now

Kai~and why not??

Christian~because Cassie is there with her son he having a play date with Daylyn

Kai~so what I'm still going,I'm not worried about Cassie.Kaistian is Daylyn's cousin and he gonna see her today.

Christian~but she's still worried bout you and I'm not saying Kaistian ain't seeing Daylyn today I'm saying not right now

Kai~well we're going no matter what you say

Christian~fine but if something happen to my son that's yo ass

Kai~mhm sure it is and why would I let something happen to our son?be serious Christian(dress Kaistian)I'll see you later(kiss Christian)love you

Christian~wait I'm coming too

Kai~that's what I thought(strap up Kaistian and arrive@ Yn's house and knock on the door holding kaistian)

Payton~(open door)umm Christian,Kai what are y'all doing here?

Kai~ um it's the day Kaistian and Daylyn spend time together duhh

Payton~um oh I totally forgot um you sure you don't wanna reschedule that?

Kai~hell no I didn't drive out here for nothing

Payton~but(Get Cut Off)

Kai~I know cassie and her son is here but I don't care I'm not worried about her now move(push Payton out the way and go in the living room)

Payton~ ya girl is really aggressive she hurt my shoulder

Christian~I know man but you get use to it

Cassie~wow it's a surprise to see you here

Yn~yes it is to me too what are you doing here well right now it's a lil early and I told Christian she was here

Kai~I know he told me but I didn't care I'm not worried about that bitch.

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