Kai's Doctors Appointment {Pt1}

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Kai~Christian get up time to go see what the baby is(shaking Christian)

Christian~five more minutes

Kai~no get up now before i pour cold water on you

Christian~(jump up)no don't do that.I'm up ok?

Kai~that's what i thought(do hygiene)

Christian~(do hygiene)

Both~(get in the car and arrive at the doctors)

Doctor~how are you doing today Kai?

Kai~i'm fine and you?

Doctor~i'm good and who is this?

Kai~this is the baby father and my boyfriend Christian

Doctor~well you're a very lucky man to have Kai in your life

Christian~ i know,she is my life

Doctor~that's wonderful.So Kai if you will just lay right here and pull up your shirt up halfway

Kai~(lay down and pull up shirt)

Doctor~now this is going to be a little cold(put the gel on Kai's stomach and use the ultrasound to find the baby heart beat)you see the baby heart beating?


Christian~well what are we having?

Doctor~you guys are having a baby boy

Kai~yes,i always wanted my boy to be older and we're going to have that

Christian~yup,i'ma spend a lot of time with him(hug and kiss Kai)

Kai~(kiss and hug back)

Both~thank you very much doctor simmons

Doctor~no problem

Both~(leave and arrive home)

Yn~soooo what are y'all having?

Kai~we're having a boy i'm so happy(smiling)

Yn~awww i'm happy for y'all.What y'all going to name him?

Christian~we gone name him Kaistian

Yn~aww i see where y'all going with that smart and cute


Payton~when y'all going buy the baby stuff?cuz i wanna come

Kai~You having baby fever?

Payton~yeah a little bit 

Kai~well we probably go tonight or tomorrow


Yn~i wanna come too.Y'all having a baby shower for him?

Kai~yeah we gone have it when i'm 6 months

Yn~oh okay

Payton~i hope when Yn get pregnant we have a girl.I'ma spoil her and i'ma buy her little tutus

Kai~aww that's too cute.You and Christian gone be good fathers and Yn you gone be a good mother


Yn~you are too.



Payton~(answer it)Hello?

Kayla~pay can you come pick me up please?

Payton~why what's wrong?

Kayla~i'll tell you when you come here and take me back to your house and hurry please

Payton~fine i'm on my way

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