All Dreams Come True~The Sequel{Pt12}

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Payton ~(walking up to the door)ok daylyn I want you to be good for daddy ok?


Payton~(knock on door)

Kai~hey y'all

Payton~wassup?I just came to drop daylyn off

Kai~right,well kaistian and Chris aren't here right now they won't be back till later

Payton ~well I'll take her home and bring her back later

Kai~no,no she's ok I'll watch her. we gone have lots of fun right daylyn?

Daylyn~YEAH!!!(Jump up&down)

Payton ~well I guess y'all will.I'll see you later pumpkin(kiss forehead)

Daylyn~bye daddy

Kai~hey thanks again for helping to get kaistian back

Payton ~it was nothing anything for the kids

Kai~well thanks(shut the door)

Payton ~(drive to the market)


Courtney~hey isn't that your fuck buddy?



Kim~hey stranger

Payton ~um hey

Kim~how you been you know after you know?and you never did hit me up again what is that about?

Payton ~that was never suppose to happen it was a one night stand I didn't feel anything

Kim~nothing at all?

Payton~nope I was drunk I ain't mean for it to happen I got a fiance and a daughter I hope you didn't expect me to Continue fucking you it was a one time thing

Kim~but you know you shouldn't have gave me the wrong signs that you wanted me.

Payton~i told you I didn't mean to. It was a mistake.

Kim~well can we atleast talk & be friends?

Payton~naw,I dont think that's possible my Fiance aint gone like me being friends with the girl I cheated on her with.

Kim~she don't have to know we can keep this on the low

Payton ~naw we good we should just leave what ever this is or was back at your house that night we don't need to bring up what we did.Let's just you know forget we fucked and just move forward with our lives lets just forget us knowing each other.

Kim~so you actually think that you're finna come in my life and leave when ever you feel like?

Payton~well....(Get Cut Off)

Kim~BBBEEEPPP!!!!wrong you can't just do what we did and don't feel nothing. There isn't no way in the world that's possible

Payton~yes it is

Kim~that's dead

Payton~you're crazy

Kim~no, I'm not gonna let a nigga run over me

Payton~ok bye Kim have a nice life(walking away)

Kim~when she leave you I'll be waiting!!!

Payton ~well your ass gone be waiting decades

Kim~fuck you

Payton ~i bet you do(walk out)


That chick Kim is out of it.what we did was a mistake and if she think that i'ma go to her if Yn ever leave me she got another thing coming cause that ain't even happening.



I wonder what payton have to give me tomorrow I can't wait I'm so anxious to find out I can barely sit still for 1 minute.It could be anything really some jewelry,clothes,money, a proposal would be nice but I doubt that.Payton ain't ready to be engaged yet even though he always calls me his fiance and tell people we're engaged or he might have got me a new car that would also be a nice gift



I'm so glad we were able to get my baby boy back now i barely let him out of my sight.I get very scared so I tell christian while they are out to hold his hand tight or pick him up I don't ever want nothing like that to happen ever again.Cassie is a real crazy bitch she got what she needed.



They will rue the day for what they have done to me.It's cold,lonely,boring,Black sky's,Dark.I don't deserve this it's them who deserves the punishment.They deserve everything that I am receiving I am innocent INNOCENT I TELL YOU INNOOOCEEENNNNTTT(voice fading)


Who's unknown POVV was that?.....

What kind of gift do you guys think payton is giving yn?




4)a proposal

5)a brand new car




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