The Big Dinner Day{Pt2}

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Kai~okay(go with christian in the guestroom and do the nasty then fall asleep)

Christain~(put on his cloths and go in the guestroom before the A.M)


awww man what did i just do?i fall for that every time 😩maybe because i kinda still have feelings for Kai but i also love Cassie.I should've stopped her when it first happened and said "stop Kai i cant do this i have a girlfriend and i love her with all my heart" but nooo i had to take her hand and take her to the guestroom and make her waterfall on me.I mean who could turn down Kai?she's every thing a guy could look for in a girl.She have too many niggas that's the reason we broke up. she ain't no slut or nun like that and fuck everybody she meet it's just that she have too many niggas. i know tomorrow is gonna be awkward sitting at the table with Cassie the love of my life that i just cheated on and Kai my ex that i just had sex with. knowing what we did just now is gonna tare me apart. i know sooner or later some way some how Cassie is gonna find out and i'ma have to choose who i wanna be with but i don't know who.I love Cassie she is my world but now i'm starting to catch feelings for Kai again. I think i probably love her more than Cassie but that's crazy,right?i don't know what to do but i'ma stay cool till that time comes i mean i knew Kai longer than Cassie we have much more of a history than Cassie and i. But shid i'ma have to sleep on this cuz this is crazy wouldn't you agree?



Christain~(up while everybody was sleep and did his hygiene and went in the living and see Kai)



Kai~you slept great last night?i know i did.

Christian~sorta i had a lot on my mind.


Christian~sorta, You and Cassie.You know she gonna find out sooner or later right?and i'ma have to choose who i wanna be with.

Kai~yeah and it's obvious that you're gonna choose Cassie over me and you know that.

Christian~i don't know that Kai cause when i told you that I love you back i meant it.I'm starting to have feelings for you again. I think even more than Cassie but i don't know just yet(sat next to Kai)

Kai~so you really do love me?i thought you just said that because we was on our way to fuck last night and you can't possibly love me more than Cassie.

Christain~(chuckle)but it's possible Kai and i do love you(kiss Kai)

Kai~(kiss back)

Christian~(Break kiss)but we gotta keep this ON THE LOW till i figure out what to do ard?


Christain~(kiss Kai)

Kai~(kiss back)

Christian~i love you and i'ma see you at Cassie's grandmother's house and look sexy but not too sexy that they can tell there's something going on between the both of us.

Kai~i love you too and okay i won't(go in the guest room)

Christian~(leave out and go to Cassie's grandmother house)

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