First Day Away From Home{Pt1}

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Payton~well let me sound like a female because somebody need to give ya dumb ass some good advise besides go on and cheat on her hoes gone be hoes and hoes ain't shit.

Justin~i don't say that and either do anybody that gives me advise

Payton~well that's how you seeing it girls have feelings too.

Justin~whatever just shut the fuck up and watch the damn TV.

Payton~ard but let me ask you one question.


Payton~so did Kayla ever cheat on you?

Justin~no why?

Payton~so Kayla is 100% faithfully loyal to you so why cant you be 100%faithfully loyal to her and not cheat ?

Justin~cuz i don't want to and why are you asking me all these questions about my love life?You should be worried about yours.

Payton~aint nothing wrong with Yn and my relationship and cuz you're hurting kayla and instead of you cheating you should just brake up with her that would make more sense

Justin~ard now that you're done fathering me can we get back to watching the game?



Payton~so you still not hungry?

Yn~yeah a little

Payton~so what you want to eat?

Yn~can you order pizza?

Payton~yeah,What toppings?

Yn~pineapple and Pepperoni

Payton~ard cool(orders the pizza)um Yn did Kayla say anything to you about her and Justin's relationship?

Yn~um yeah,why did he say anything?


Yn~what he say?

Payton~he cheating on Kayla and she knows and that he just don't feel like being with the same person and doing stuff with the same person and she don't trust him so he cheating for that reason and to give her a reason not to trust him.

Yn~what? that's stupid you should want ya girlfriend to trust you not give her a reason not to trust you and what did you say?

Payton~i said why wont you just brake up with her instead of cheating she's 100% faithfully loyal to you and you're not and girls have feelings too so you should just brake up.So what did Kayla say and what did you say?

Yn~well she said he cheating and she know and he tried to talk to the girl in the bathroom or in the car .She wanted me to tell her what she should she do because she wanna stay cuz she love him and she wanna leave cuz she cant take it no more and i said y'all been together for the longest just give him another chance and tell him how you feel and if he still continues to cheat then break up with him because you deserve much better and that's all.

Payton~Wow i wanna say something to him but she don't like when i get involved so i'ma just stay to myself

Yn~yeah me too i don't need no more drama after today.

Payton~Yeah me neither and i gotta go to the store tomorrow.

Yn~i'll go for you

Payton~okay thanks(kiss you)i'll write what i want and you write what you want.


PAYTON'S LIST :Vanilla ice cream,Strawberry soda,Philly cheese steak hot pocket,Biscuits,Drumstick wings,Mac and cheese,Cheese

YN'S LIST :Cookie and cream ice cream,Cake,Green Apples,Pepperoni Hot pockets,Grandma Peanut butter cookies

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