The Truth Unfold{Pt 3}

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Yn~how is it gonna be fun?all y'all doing is watching men running up and down the field yelling touchdown,how ever many downs or flags looking like they got on tights.

Payton~..........well Kayla gonna be there so you don't gotta watch the game so you going?

Yn~yeah only cuz Kayla is there

Payton~ard lego


Payton~(knock on the door)

Justin~(answer the door)wassup?(dap up payton)

Payton~shit(dap up Justin)

Justin~hey Yn

Yn~hey where's Kayla?

Justin~in our room you can go back there with her.

Yn~ard thanks(went in Justin room with Kayla)


Yn~hey Kayla(hugs Kayla)

Kayla~hey girl(hug you)You hanging out with Payton today?

Yn~no(tells Kayla what happened)

Kayla~woooww he said that?

Yn~yup so now I'm living with Payton till farther notice.

Kayla~I wish all relationships stay Good through the whole relationship.

Yn~why you say that? What happened?

Kayla~I don't feel like Justin love me anymore well not as much as he did when we first started this relationship.


Kayla~he cheating on me.


Kayla~yeah he tries to go talk to her either in the car or the bathroom which is the most stupidest place to talk to another bitch because the bathroom echoes.

Yn~yeah that is the stupidest place to talk to another female.

Kayla~so what should I do ?break up with him or stay?cuz I really need to know.

Yn~well what do you wanna do?

Kayla~i don't know I wanna stay because I love him but then again I wanna leave at the same time cuz I can't take this no more.

Yn~gahhh I really don't know Kay.Y'all have been together for the longest just give him another chance and tell him how you feel and if he still continues to cheat then break up you don't deserve to be treated like that.

Kayla~yeah thanks Yn you always know the right things to say(hugs you)

Yn~(hugs back)it's nothing girl you know I'm always there for you.

Kayla~i know and I'm always there for you.

Both~no matter what(giggles)


Payton~so have You and Kayla been arguing lately?

Justin~kinda,she don't trust me at all so I gave her reason not to trust me.

Payton~what do you mean?

Justin~I'm cheating on her but she knows about it.


Justin~cuz I want to and I'm tired of this same old relationship it's getting old I'm tired of kissing the same person,loving the same person,waking up to the same person it's just getting old.

Payton~That ain't right so what would you do if you got married to somebody?you gonna cheat on her too because you tired of being married to the same person?

Justin~nope cuz I'm not getting married i'm a G and G's never settles down and plus I'm never gonna be ready to find the right girl who wants to settle down.

Payton~maybe if you stayed with a girl more than two years you would get married but cheating never solves nothing it just get you in more trouble.

Justin~who is you?my mother?you sound like a female talking to me.

Payton~well let me sound like a female cuz somebody need to give ya dumb ass some good advise besides go on and cheat on her hoes gone be hoes and hoes ain't shit.

Justin~I don't say that or anybody else that give me advise.

Payton~well that's the way you seeing it girls have feelings too.

Justin~whatever just shut the fuck up and watch the game.

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