We've Made Up {Pt1}

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Christian~(thinks about what Cassie said)she's right she's still my little sister i'ma call her(calls Yn)


Yn~(phone ring and answer it)Chris?

Christian~yeah it's me look,Yn i'm sorry that i yelled and called you and payton names i was just so mad.I was so mad that i didn't realize how much you missed and wanted to talk to me and i didn't realize how much i missed you back.i let my anger get the best of me and you can come back home when ever you ready.

Yn~Thanks and i'm sorry i disobeyed you i really didnt mean to make you mad

Christian~It's ok,i miss you

Yn~i miss you too,Hey i saw dad today at the store

Christian~what he say?

Yn~(tell him the same thing you told payton)

Christain~well he still is our dad i'ma give him a chance but if he blow it that's it.I'm not saying you have to give him a chance you're almost an adult you make your own decision just make safe ones

Yn~yeah thanks

Christain~no problem,Where's payton?

Yn~downstairs you want him?

Christian~naw i'ma call his phone.I'ma call you later,ok?

Yn~ok love you

Christian~love you too bye

Yn~bye(smiling and hangs up phone)yes we finally made up

christian~(calls payton)




Christian~i'm sorry for the way i acted the other day and i would like if we was homeboys again

Payton~yeah i would tpo

Christian~ard cool and i already talked to Yn if you wanted to know.I'll be over to see her later on but don't tell her

Payton~ard i'm not

Christian~:ard i'll see y'all later

Payton~ard(hang up phone)


Christian~(knocks on payton door)

Yn~Who's at the door?

Payton~I don't know(lying and go answer the door)

Yn~(follow payton downstairs)

Christain~wassup?(dap payton up)


Yn~(Run and jump on Chris)Christian!!!!!!!! i missed you sooo much(kiss Chris on the cheeks)

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