This Was The Best Birthday Ever{Pt1}

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Yn~k(hang up the phone)

Payton~who was that?

Yn~that was Kai she told me that me and you should get ready cuz they both are taking me places and for me to ware tennis shoes and something comfortable to run in

Payton~mmm well lets get dressed

Payton and Yn~(do hygiene and get dressed )

Kai~(call Yn phone)y'all ready?


Kai~ard come out side

Yn~k(grab payton's hand and get inside of the car with Chris and Kai)

Christian~here,i'ma need you to put this on(hold out a blind fold)

Yn~no not again i hate this things can't i just close and cover my eyes with my hands?

Christian~Naw that's what the blind fold is for and payton gonna help you out of the car

Yn~fine(grab the blind fold)but this is the last time

Christian~actually it's not.You gotta put it back on for when we bouta go to the place Kai is taking you

Yn~well today is the last time

Christian~k(pull off and arrive at the go kart racing place)

Payton~(help Yn out the car and inside the place)

Christian~you can take the blind fold off now

Yn~finally(take off the blind fold)no way go kart racing?i've been wanting to go here since we were little

Christian~i know(y'all get y'all go karts and start racing)

Yn~thanks Chris that was fun(hug him)

Christian~no problem now you gotta put back on the blind fold for Kai present

Yn~k(put back on blind fold)

Payton~(help Yn to the car)

Christian~(pull off and arrive at the laser tag place and help Yn out the car and inside the place)you can take it off again

Yn~my eyes hurt(take off blind fold)oh my gosh y'all really know meh,thanks

Kai~(hug her)no problem now lets go get our stuff and win. Girls against boys

Christian~ard but just to let y'all know y'all gone loose

Yn~if you say so(go get the stuff and play the game)that was so fun this was the best birthday ever.All these great presents and birthday wishes and all this love i really appreciate this

Everybody~you're welcome(get in the car and go home)


Kai~Christian get up it's time to go to the doctors to see what the baby is(shaking Christian)

Christian~five more minutes

Kai~no get up now before i pour cold water on you

Christian~(jump up)don't do that. i'm up ok?

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